Is WoW dead / dying (opinions)

Not dead, they are still pretty out there, doing stuff etc.
Dying? Started the day it reached its peak. Just like most things/games.

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It is dying, but it is the story/lore that has put it one foot in the grave.

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Activision had nothing to do with it, but WoW has died for me. So I cancelled my sub.


You realize why it is dying when Classic and BCC (both more than a decade old) are better games than retail.


activity seems to becoming scarce. it shouldn’t take hours to form a pvp BG group in the 1600 range, only to have not enough players in key roles despite sourcing players from multiple communities.

the game itself might not be “dead” but its activity levels at times is clearly way down.

i did a search the other day for the people at certain levels. in the lvl 51-59 range there was under 20 players total. and in level brackets below 50 there were a number of them that were 0. it could be that its just that no one is leveling at that time, everyone is lvl 60 but it doesn’t seem likely. its hard to get a sense of players at 60 since there is over 50.

i haven’t noticed much issue getting a world boss group going at any time or day of th week that i have done it so there is enough players to keep that going 24/7. this imo indicates that 99% of active players are casual players.

Casual in this sense is players not doing rated content, pushing keys, or forming raid groups past normal.

a fix for this imo is to lower the failure punishment for higher content.

in rated pvp, reduce the amount of rating lost per loss by a few points.
in M+ don’t have keys deplete for non completion. the time lost on the attempt is a big enough set back.

in Raids, have respawn check points closer to the boss so a minor wipe doesn’t cost so much time getting people back to the boss


Not before they release every expansion as a classic stand alone.


Decline, absolutely. Dying out, it really depends… its hugely profitable, its not like they are losing money… I would say the profits have to get low enough where management starts to think we have soo many resources tied up in this and are only making a markup of x% redeploy 50% of dev’s to new title… right now though they are increasing head count so if 10.0 is a flop I think we might start to see “dying out” (e.g 2M up to 6-8M then down to sub 1M shortly after 10.0 launch… put it this way I don’t think new world has cracked 1M and it is a “smashing success” for amazon - and they are free to play wow is sub).

I think the problem is management, recent events has shown how toxic the work environment was behind closed doors at Blizzard PRE-sellout… Activision just inherited the problems (and brought a few of its own culture wise). Blizzard used to nuke games 90% of the way to completion if they were not up to snuff, Activision probably would not let them do that (which is how we got BFA/Shadowlands)… that said its still the Blizzard team that created both those dumpster fires.

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I don’t think you realize how much acti-blizzard makes off WoW lol. They won’t let the game die. Sure it might not forever be the top mmo by a mile, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to let it die.
GW2, ESO, SWTOR, Wildstar, Blessed Online, BDO, FF14, and even friggen Everquest have all been mmos no where near the #1 most played and they’ve all been going steady since release with no plans in sight of devs stopping development.

Wow also has its name. Idc what anyone says, every expansion they release for the rest of time will always have 10+ million players returning for the start of it.
And even tho the wow has its lowest sub count ever, blizzard is STILL making insane profits off of microtransactions.

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I never said it would shut down, but it WILL eventually stop being developed.

They will continue to support it and likely go the EQ route of continuous classic launches to keep people subbed.

WoW will likely never truly die. It will always have a loyal playerbase. Hell EQ is still going in this day and age.

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Aktshually Wildstar shut down years ago.

There’s no consensus on what makes an MMO dead.

Anyone on the WoW forums would say EverQuest is dead, but it still releases xpacs and TLPs. Most people would say Ultima Online is dead but people can/do still play it.

EQ is the best forecast for what the death of an MMO looks like. Especially since WoW is doing the exact same thing it is (more micro txs, focusing on TLPs, less refined Retail content).

It takes decades for MMOs to actually die. But yeah, I’d say WoW is dying. It’s had slow but steady player attrition for years. I’d predict that variations of Classic WoW will be the future of the game within the next few years.

I also don’t think there’s a single WoW killer, but an assortment of different MMOs eating away more players. That and people just getting bored with it.

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Pre-New World is was believed to have surpassed WoW. Take it with a few grains of salt since nobody actually knows the subs. New World on the other hand is only on Steam and thus you can see how many people are playing. They had 913,000 concurrent peak players and are at 700k right now. That most likely puts it at more then WoW and FF14 combined. Though not really a fair comparison since it doesn’t have a sub.

WoW is like an old man/woman above their 50ies now. It has been dying slowly but new mmos will accelerate that death process combined with incompetent WoW developers it is much closer than most people anticipate. There is a reason why new MMO’s constantly being released, they know state of WoW, perception of players so other developers and companies trying to take advantage of this,

Imagine that WoW is a blue whale, other MMOs are like sharks, all those sharks will have a bite one by one which means steal players and WoW will survive if it is lucky. I don’t feel excited another woke expansion.

I agree, WoW’s developers are the problem and California, they must leave that cursed place and move to another-better state.

By the way we shouldn’t be talking about only collapse of WoW here, this company fails to deliver any proper new game. All of their “new” games-releases are “remakes” or something like Overwatch2. Spanish guy who was in chargo of D4 also departed from company or Jeff Kaplan who was in charge of Overwatch2 also departed. Blizzard as a whole is falling apart not only WoW, it is a complete collapse.

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FYI they did not sell out to Activison…they are partnered.

There will always be a big brain who will come and say “WOW IS DYING SINCE EVER LOLOLOLO”, but the last two expansions have caused a slow and steady decline. Only the utterly braindead will deny that.

This game ain’t gonna die, mind you.

MMOs can still survive on life support with a really small population base, but a small or “dying” MMO invites all kinds of disliked changes, since the company would slowly put the project on the back burner in favor of more profitable games. That, of course, translates into bad things for the community.


Please do not give the devs any ideas for future poop quests, please.

Thank you.

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WoW has always been dying.

Classic Vanilla and TBC pulled in nowhere near a similar amount of players as they had back then.

LOL you’re a little delusional amigo.
Retail wows active player count right now is around 2million. Bullular did an in-depth video about this a few weeks ago. And this is the lowest wows sub numbers have EVER been.
And that’s also not including tBC classic.

And FF14 I have no idea what the sub numbers are but I’d bet my left nut that they’re higher than wows atm.

So seriously where you getting this “new world has more players right now that wow and FF14 combined” lmao you gotta be trolling