Is WoW dead / dying (opinions)

Yes I believe WoW is “dying” as in it’s losing more subs then gaining.

No I don’t believe it’s selling out to activation. I believe it’s just how capitalistism destroys creativity. If it wasn’t for the bottom line and appeasing shareholders who don’t play the game this game would be in a better spot.

They use people’s addiction to milk as much tokens and money out it’s fans while also ignoring most feedback and doing what will appease the shareholders.

This game is a boosted mess with only the hardcore scene being listened to.

Casuals, pvpers, and rpers are just ignored all together and the game is going in the wrong direction with homogenizing the game (starting gear just being basic human gear that doesn’t fit any other race).

Stupid restrictions with stupid rules (saying class identity is important and that’s why weapon and armor restrictions are where it’s at and then immediately going back and selling cloth sets on the cash shop)

Adding systems no one likes and then not taking feedback also sucks, (guarantee you that next expac will have systems that they SWEAR to you will be different but it won’t be)

These things killed the game and it all started with being a publicly traded company. Regardless if activision bought out blizz or not this would have always happened.


WoW has been dying since the moment it was born… every minute its running is one minute closer to its demise…



Meme response, but you’re not wrong.

Time is killing WoW. By mainstream game lifespan standards WoW has far exceeded what anyone could have hoped for…but it’s age is catching up with it quickly

It has been dying for a long time now. Also, Activision doesn’t have anything to do with the dying of it. If anything maybe they can help prolong the life of it.

I’ve always said that when I die, I want to do it like WoW.

By taking over a decade to do it and making a tidy profit besides.

WoW is not the giant it used to be and I doubt any game will ever reach the size it did during Wrath. If nothing else, MMOs as a genre just don’t command the same level of market share that they did then. But even in its diminished state, WoW still boasts a couple million subscribers (I have trouble believing it’s much higher than 2 million) and I’ve seen games succeed with a fraction of that sub count for years. WoW’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

Whether or not it ever regains its former glory is one matter but I don’t think the death of the game is in the cards yet.

Put it this way, it’s making more money now with 2 million than it did with 12 million.


1.) My mats never sold even vanilla mats never sell. Vanilla mats I put up 200 Steel Bars, 200 Enchanted Thorium no one sold. None of my SL’s mats sold ether.
I even found a BoE epic list it on it never sold. Nobody is buying anything on my server. I had stuff return to me 4-5 times at 2 days a piece in a row even if I match the asking price.

2.) Queue times is much longer since everyone is leaving. It took like 40 minutes to get in a 10-50 dungeon on my alt. And least 10-15-20 minutes on a main. BFA was under 5 minutes. I’m sure another drove of people quitting will rise Q times to 30-40 minutes for a normal Random Heroic and 1-2 hours for a Raid soon enough.

3.) I see ore nodes and herbs and other gathering stuff sit out in the open nobody bothers to come and gather. My server is emptying out and will continue down this downward spiral.

This game is dying and the only way to save it is to let it wipe so it can get a rez.


Gonna be real with you. Not going to be an alarmist that says things have been borked since 2008.

But rather since 2018, when the game was on the upswing, they decided to trash all the good faith they recovered after losing big in WoD. And as a whole the company has been in managed decline since 2018 as well. Not continuing the success they had in MAUs and releases through 2016 and 2017. 2018, bfa and blizzcon later that year dumpstered any expectations a customer should have of blizzard getting better.


It’s not dead, there’s still some people playing… but it’s not growing either.

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Yes, after BFA a lot of players were hoping for Shadowlands being a big success. Well Blizzard struck out this time, badly.

In both the PR department, not really game related and game related, where there is / was a lot wrong with Shadowlands. Some of which could’ve been fixed if they had listened to players, some I think was the fault of not being tested in complete honesty.

Shadowlands was the nail in the coffin for many, 10.0 needs huge or they need to pull some magic :poop: for 9.2 to get this back to were it was… say during Legion for example.

No idea, but considering it’s been how many years since that was done. And the company has been known as “Activision Blizzard” for over a decade now I want to say…

I think it’s probably time, the players stop blaming that for the cause. Blizzard recently has just messed up… and they are paying for it. And there’s not much we can do, besides either talk smack on this forum, keep playing if you hate yourself or put your money where your mouth is and stop playing and paying all together. :man_shrugging:


Yeah blizzard is like Bosatai they going to take a few hits but they’re going to bounce back they’re not quite healthy but they are not going anywhere :wink::wink:

It’s like

The healing pants :green_heart:

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Every new MMO that comes out spawns countless “WOW KILLER” calls. Yet most of those games are dead and wow is still alive.

But why not play them if you want? Its not an all or nothing

I gave FF14 a whirl about 12 months ago. Wasn’t for me. Felt like I was stuck in a bad anime movie.

I played ESO for awhile. Its neat but being a big ES fan, not what I wanted from an ES game.

EVE? Holy cow. Talk about time sink. Fun, but unless you can commit to it like a second job…man.

New World? Trying it now. Only got a few hours under my belt so too early to tell. But my son and I are enjoying exploring a new game together for the first time.

I’m just glad that NW came out in a WOW lull. I use expansion lulls to play other games. I’ll quit WOW for 3-6 months at a time, wait for content updates and gear catch ups for alts to be in place. Then I’ll usually come back about 3 months before the new expansion, catch up on story line and gear, then play the new expansion for a little while, then repeat the cycle and find another game to play.

Now I get that those that raid in serious progression like I did in vanilla and TBC that really isn’t an option. I’m just glad I don’t do that anymore either.

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Everything dies…

Blizzard didn’t sell out to Activision. The company that owned Blizzard bought Activision and merged them against their will. That happened in 2007. Later Activision/Blizzard bought themselves from the Vivendi Conglomerate. So no, I don’t think Activision has anything to do with the current state of things. It is all on Blizzard and their own lack of vision.


It has taken a nose dive in terms of quality story telling but I don’t know if that is activison’s fault.

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Dead? No. In a decline? Sure. Shadowlands didn’t help either.

You might want to read up on the history of Blizzard, Activision and Vivendi/ Vivendi Universal to really understand how all of this came about.

I think it’s amazing that every expansion is supposed to be the end of WoW. I can’t wait to see the same threads during the next expansion.

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Lets be honest here. The World of Warcraft IP (storyline, lore, etc…) is here to stay, even if some of the most recent content storyline is lacking.

Is the game dying? Well, aren’t we all dying soon after birth? The way I see it is WoW the game is showing its age, not just the engine but the playstyle and direction all together. Lets look at it this way as if WoW was a car you bought 17 years ago when it was shiney and new. To be honest they have been doing a good job at keep the old car up to date. But there are only so many mods and upgrades you can do, but in the end you still got a 17 year old car, perhaps just with better tires/rim and a new stereo radio. But its still a 17 yo car…

Do I think its Activision, no believe it or not. Perhaps the current lead game dev of whos name I will not mention…

That said, the next expansion DOES need to be the last expansion for World of Warcraft. Simply because they need to start on WoW2. They need IMHO to grab the Unreal5 engine, but make/keep the game iconically WoW in art style. Just with less hard edges on round stuff and add in some testation on textures. That and the game needs redesigned around modern features found in most all MMORPGs.

Better features like option to Dye armor sets, more character customization like body size, height, fat/skinny. Also the game needs redesigned around evergreen content. That way once you level up, you still have many reasons to go back to older zones. Also speaking of quest, they need designed around more interactive world much like is done in GW2 where fighting off an invading force can lead to more and more quest opening up and even some lower level mini world bosses.

That said, the game needs designed around people who want to solo play, but also encourage social behavior. One thing I would much like to see is the removal of locking you into a single guild. You should be able to join multiple guilds that way if one guild splits up or goes in a direction you dont wish to go it, you dont loose all your friends you made in the game and forgot to put on your friends list. Communities tried to address this, but was pretty much a fail.

There is so much they can do and need to do… Honestly, the entire WoW team needs to take a solid look at Guild Wars 2 and Final Fantasy and see what they do right.



Wanna know when the damn thing is dying out??

When i can effin get to Arcturus without someone CONSTANTLY, day in day out, 24/7/365 be there farming the damn thing.

Until then, its healthy as an ox.

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Three of the last four expansions have not been very good. With the terrible systems and class balance you would think they would be hard at work trying to make things fun again. Instead they are working double time to remove past references to boobies or anything else “offensive”. Personally I don’t under estimate the dev teams ability to drive this into the ground.


Right now it’s on fire. It losing a lot of players. This is due to mostly negative things done with the game. I do not think it can recover. As it going all out for some players. Like adding high elves, customizations, and other things wanted by a vocal party. That sign something going wrong. Plus I can be wrong, there was an article that said was down to 2 million subs back in Aug.