Is WoW dead / dying (opinions)

Or maybe there are many McDonalds employees that are really passionate about taking order and bringing their customers fast foods and I am simply generalizing too much from my anecdotal experience, but u get what i mean.

No it’s not dead, as of now it’s stable not going up or down in player base population this base off most recent quarter findings.

Personally I don’t think its dying per se, more like having a very slow stroke.

I quit 8 years of FFXIV for WoW and I’m enjoying this game much more to be honest.
Big open areas, world to explore.
Areas to grind and just kill stuff and farm loot, transmogrifications etc.
Tons of options, graphics, music and good stuff.

When first released, the game was great but it was hugely boosted by the developers caring about their subscribers…
Activision would say they didnt have the time or resources to fix the issues and imbalances in the game yet they had plently of time to assault women daily and get away with it.
The original developers made a great game, activision trashed it

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People have been asking that for 10 years… This time is no different.

Have you seen the “story” thought up by professional storywriters for wow currently? Blizzard’s talent is all dried up, so maybe he does know more


I think a lot of the industry needs to move to a player forward game design in general. If it weren’t for a few really good products carrying the banner, we would be on the cusp of a 1980s style Atari crash on x86. The top 5 publishers are pumping out a stinker a quarter and it has evaporated all consumer good will. The rot in the industry shows everywhere in WoW.

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Yeah, I pass.

The “forward thinking” is what made WoW the crap it is.

That is the main reason the old style RPGs are beating WoW to the curb.
People are fed up with the new trends of all entertainment. Nothing of this new breed is getting the same revenue or fame the old stuff get.

And that has been a long time.

You know the old Police Squad TV show had only six episodes, and the only show to beat its numbers was “The Simpsons” and only after like 10 seasons.

D&D which is not even a video game is one of the most successful games even when competing with video games.

You mistake bad quality for failures of improvements. The Simpsons changed a lot in those 10 seasons. They stayed competitive.

well, I for one am so fed up with the terrible customer service and the complete and utter lack of concern for player retention, and downright rude gms that I finally bought FF14… it would take a miracle of customer outreach, including taking away both the phone number + authenticator gate from group finder, and the penalty for being voted out of an LFR for me to resub ever again.
I love this game, but the BS behind the scenes has finally reached a boiling point for me. I’m pretty determined to enjoy Endwalker and never look back…
I log in today only because FF14 servers are down for maintenance until early release tomorrow.
also, when I resubbed, my friend list was also completely ghost town. People offline for months…

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Dead? No.

At a point where I refuse to pay for less and less content that is spoon fed us over the course of 2 years? Yes, oh yes.

WoW has reached shampoo levels of play. Read the back of any shampoo bottle. “Wash, rinse and repeat as needed”. This is WoW lock, stock and barrel. Here is my obligatory “I have been here since beta” statement. I have watched the player base accept some seriously poor decisions on Blizzard’s part. They say with age comes wisdom, well I am old and I see Blizzard’s plan. Less for more.

You all keep beating yourselves over the head repeating the same content over and over with worse odds than a Vegas casino at getting better loot.

I am done.


Dead? No

Dying? People have claimed wow to be dying since vanilla beta

Activision? No blizzard was together with Activision during the nostalgia circle jerk days people bring up 24/7

Wow will run until it doesn’t make money and atm it’s making a very large amount of money.

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Dead no. Dying yes. There will still be players here and it will still turn a profit but you have to ask yourself is this really a “community” you want to play with and is this a company you would really want to support?

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I would use the term professional very loosely. They really should consider taking a master class in script writing and world building.

I believe it’s not the exciting game I used to play, the soul of the game is dead. Idk if it was activision or just that blizzard rested on it’s good name and got lazy… also game director and story team running it into the ground.


My server is full. The world is full of players.


I am moving to a fuller server and the game feels pretty much alive. Plus for all of you hating on WoW, check out the worst mmo ever series on youtube so you can realize how awesome WoW still is.

No. I dont. You are mistaken what I am referring to with what I am not.

No not dead, dying well that’s tricky only reason I say that cause playerbase is divided between Retail,SoM, Classic Tbc.
Currently people are playing crap out of SoM, my guild I’m in on Obsidian Edge has more players online in guild then most retail guilds got, and player base who got into SoM are starting bleed off and play TBC on either high pop realms Mankrik or Pagle or full pvp realms. And there’s been enough rumours and leaks were looking at Wotlk classic next year more likely, so it can be difficult see where all playerbase is going to. Good news outside WoW such Facebook WoW groups players are trickling back into WoW cause other Mmo’s don’t have that same feel WoW has.