Is WoW dead / dying (opinions)

wow is in a worse place then it has ever been people are just in denial over it sorry.


Source on this?

Probably thought because Trump was a professional businessman that he knew what he was talking about when it comes to the economy and us armchair warriors are ignorant.


If by “dying out,” u mean WOW’s active player base is decreasing, expansion after expansion, I think it is on that path although it speed up a little bit recently.

Activision being a public company and managed by “professional executives” do contribute to the leading style, culture and priority of WOW team when they are making the game, but it is not to say that WOW team itself is innocent. They feel more like employees in McDonald to me, rather than active devs that really cares about the game.


Really your in denial

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I’m going to say this as someone who has no intentions of leaving WoW anytime soon.

WoW is like The Simpsons. Both are long-running properties that are still soldiering on with many fans, new content, and the occasional flash of greatness that serves to remind everyone of what they once were. Neither is going away anytime soon, but everyone is well aware that their glory days are long gone, never to return.

A forum moderator should delete this topic.

So you have no source.

Why bring McDonalds employees into this?

Yet you’re still here so it’s fine.

I haven’t played since July and my subscription runs out in December.

Care for another hit of copium?


…why are you even here? Seems weird to post on a game forum for a game you dont play. This feels weird to me man, just saying.

Look, if you’re still here blabbering about “My SuBs RuN oUt in XX”, you still care enough about this game.

So maybe you should stop ashaming yourself when you inevitably return in 9.2 and just play the game?

Do you not have friends?

I have many WoW forum friends where this is my main source of contact. I like interacting with them as much as I can while I still can.

I never said I didn’t care about the game. And there is zero chance I’ll be back for 9.2.

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Get a discord group for all of you then. Like how most WoW groups do. Plenty of those exist, my friend.

I’m in one. I don’t really use discord much to be honest. It’s blocked at work, the forums aren’t. It’s nice to have it open in a tab for when I need to take a break! It will admittedly bum me out when my time runs out. I’ve tried going to the FFXIV forums but they’re just…. not as fun.

I will admit FF14 forums are super slow and boring. Not enough good potstirring to start drama.

See you in 10.0 then?
