Is WoW dead / dying (opinions)

There is no more meaningless, trite commentary to be found in video games than “WoW is dead/dying.”

If the game continues with the patch cycles shadowlands has, then wow will continue to decline further. Never have I ever been ready for a new patch than right now.

I think its glory days are behind it.

LK classic will be a huge success for a while. very doubtful 10.0 will be the change everyone is hoping for, myself included. It’s just to far gone at this point. Story and characters are just terrible and the chore/system heavy expansions aren’t helping in the game-play department.

10.0 needs to be the end of all the current characters. They’ve been drug threw dirt enough at this point.

Far from dead.

People have been doomsaying about “WoW is dying” since Cataclysm…but this time I think it might actually be real. It’s not dead yet, but if Blizz turns out one or two more non-starter expansions like Shadowlands, well…

Time will tell.

I canceled my subscription today.


Not dead yet.

Certainly staring down the barrel in terms of potential.

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Most of the “chores” in shadowlands seems to be gone in 9.2, we even got our tier sets back. We shall see.

Wow has become Magtheridon.

For years and years he was the undisputed Lord of Outland, those foolish enough to challenge his rule became more corpses for the piles of bones (swtor, aion, wildstar, every other “wow killer”).

However, as time passed by he became arrogant and decadent, few dared challenge his rule anymore as his pride consumed his might and cunning.

And that was his demise, a new demon Lord called Illidan emerged (guess what game could it be), one that was capable of overthrowing his now withered self.

Wow is at that point before Illidan raided Magtheridon’s Black Citadel. Whether or not this time Magtheridon accepts he needs to change, recognizes what he has become and takes action to recover his true glory and potential or is cast aside by a new rival is yet to be seen.

its extremely valuable intellectual property. they produce consistently high quality products with tried and true gameplay formulas with decades of user information and statistical analysis. management could be better though, which is crucial.

This doesn’t mean anything. A lying developer stays a lying developer. Remove Danuser and Hazzikostas and I’ll start to believe in a better future for the game again.

The bridge has been burned not only one but several times now. At some point you cannot repair any lost trust anymore.


Dying no…not really.

But in a year or so it will have the population and the dev attention of EQII

Maybe. Blizzard may tank from the PR it’s getting right now (Deservedly so), and WoW might be bought out by someone who sinks it into the ground.

In regards to other games killing it, I’ll go with a no. The grass isn’t always greener and the shiny wears off eventually.

WoW will never die. Everquest and Ultima Online are still online to this very day. But it will lose its relevance and has taken several big hits to its reputation in a row and that isn’t even getting into Blizzard’s current issues

imo its also important to remember that blizzard “fixes” the issues it caused in the first place (removing tier sets, covenants and other unpopular systems) only to undo the fix and start the cycle over again with another the same exact mess.

If Blizzard wants to get some goodwill back then they need to actually start listening to feedback and not ignore it for an entire expansion only to go into panic mode when players finally get fed up and start leaving and fix the things they broke in the first place

This part of this video is rather similar to what the fanbois of WoW would say were they Grom and WoW their beloved:

No, I’m past this. Should WoW continue to fail, then my relatives and I have already made plans to start playing on established private servers. Hazzikostas has to retire as the game director of this game. Nothing else will be accepted as a “good will” at this point anymore.

The game has very simple problems which could be fixed within one patch but their pride and greed for money brought the game into a place where you either need to pull the break or ascend into your own demise.

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Everything starts dying as soon as it is birthed. I am dying as we speak, and so are you. So to answer your question, yes WoW is dying, as all things do.

Is WoW dead yet? No. Not even close. And I suspect it won’t die fully for at least another decade or so even if we keep receiving dumpster fire content.