Is WoW dead / dying (opinions)

I can’t even get an Epic Battleground queue to go off after 11pm anymore. Even in Warlords of Draenor I was able to get into an Epic BG at any hour of the night, even if the queue took 45 min to an hour.
3 hours in a BG queue does not scream healthy playerbase.


I think it is slipping, little by little. But I think the true killer is that developers think they know more than the playerbase, and we don’t feel heard, hence our experiences aren’t as high in quality as they used to be.


I haven’t liked the pvp systems since Legion. I only kept playing wow after wrath just for pvp. Wod had me spoiled cause I have 7 max geared pvp Alts. As a casual pvper Wod was a fun xpac. Legion had issue at start and I still was in the mind set of Wod and Alts so I spent most of my time doing daily’s…was a fun story xpac. BFA and SL are both horrible for casual pvp. So no point to playing.

Classic wow had horrible rank system and pve is all meta.

TBCc I thought would fix it but….I still think they needed to balance Honor points and needed to do same faction pvp sooner. Seriously we all knew people would go horde and lol alliance have always had too many AFK players because short ques. One side you got short ques with 3 afk other side you got 30 min plus ques with team all set go all in. I understand honor was hard to get back then but I still remember it being easier. Than what’s on tbcc! I think it’s the patch they choose and it’s honor that’s bugging it…not sure cause I gave up when I realized that playing wow retail and classic has no point now.

I don’t play I just have a 6 month sub that I paid for thinking that I could pvp in TBC and planned on it for a while. It runs out this month I just post every now and then when bored. I want to play wow but I feel all 3 versions of wow are built for raid loggers. No point to being a casual in wow anymore.

In terms of pve well I don’t play much pve content cause I find it boring. I also didn’t like how blizzard team uses same old mechanics and just has boss put fire in random points. It feel like every fight in modern wow is just Prince from Karazan, one bad infernal and that’s it game over. Yet that’s now in 5 mans like mythic + some of the weekly mechanics make me not want to play.

From cata till Wod I felt like I could get my pve fix when I wanted it. Then mythic + came out to “please the hardcore” to me 5 man instances aren’t supposed to be “Hardcore” it’s supposed to be a way to get gear to start raids or a way for casuals to catch up. The old systems like badges and valor worked better.

Part of why I pve in FFXiV and not wow is because square used blizzards old valor point system and has kept it since 2.0. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. And blizzard kept fixing what wasn’t broke.

When FFxiv came out I only kept wow sub for pvp. 2.0 ARR pvp in ffxiv was fun but I love how broken wow pvp is and Wsg and AB. Broken pvp games are fun and unfortunately blizzard has tried to “fix” wow pvp cause it was broken and they just broke it more….it was always on the boarder of almost unplayable but it still managed to work. Then blizzard pushed it over and now it’s not fun.

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wow died back in vanilla when they nerfed shamans windfury to not one shot everything. Games been on life support ever since and its just taken this long for people to notice.

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Probably. The only thing that keeps me playing is the nostalgia of the game’s lore when it was still good. Right now, I don’t even know what’s the goal to do in the game anymore. I just farm mobs and do quests. Redoing past expansions is kinda enjoyable too.

I don’t really think this game is still compelling to newcomers. Everything else in this game just feels outdated


They had 5-6 mil subs in legion, that’s a lot of people, not the 12 mil when wotlk was around but a game old as wow that isn’t bad at all. If the next expansion can give us consistent content maybe we can see numbers back to that

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They are still creating content for it, tons of people are still playing it. It’s not dead.

It wasn’t dead the last 3,092,872,213 times this was asked.

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So you think you know more than a professional developers?

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yep it is dying - i think apathy for WoW is actually finally setting in for the long haul


I think that, as a general rule, professional developers have ignored a lot of the playerbase’s requests by saying they know what would make a better game. And coding and stuff? Yeah, probably. But I’ve seen it make some of the playerbase feel ignored.

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But they do, that’s why they’re the professional, not you.
There’s a term to describe people like you, it has something to do with an armchair.

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Its kind of like if you have been buying the same kind of car periodically for many years.

Your original car had some glitches but you loved the leather seats.
one model year the company decides to save money by going with cloth seating.
You ask if they could add back in the option for leather seats but you keep buying the car.
And their response is to just go to cheap plastic seats and remove even the cloth.

Needless to say…that car model is certainly no longer your favorite.


No , if that was the cause RIP GW2 and so many other MMO’s yes even FFXIV

Less subs yes , dying out ? Negative

Yes for the most part, even though I don’t like Activision vision akin to Disney

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You mean the part where the CEO has literally said he wanted to remove fun from gaming?

The part where they know how to make games addictive but really have a profit 1st mentality that part

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For me WoW is dead. My guild left, most of my friends left. I was having a blast in the game, then the lawsuit stuff happened and I felt icky playing… so I went elsewhere. And now I’m hooked on that other game, and I’ve realized just how un-fun WoW is now. I’ve tried popping on here and there and I think of all the dailies and chores there are to do and am just… bleh.


Dang, you’re really confrontational. I’m kind of sad I liked a lot of your posts in other threads.

Perhaps. I see your analogy. Problem is, the old car model seems to be more popular, and I’m not opposed to a new car model as long as the newer model still listens to what was found popular and well liked in the previous model.

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Miss seeing you on. :heart:


I miss seeing you see me on!


Full agreement here…the car company though apparently isn’t understanding that even if they are “listening”