Is WoW dead / dying (opinions)

If the next xpack isn’t absolutely mind blowing then WoW IS dead… to me at least.


Hey at least you still pay 15$/mo until 10.0.

No kidding…everytime I need a break from WoW I log into eve and lose track of the next couple months

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Delete CRZ
Delete mythic +;and emphasize heroic
Delete the eSports team
Take ilvl out of pvp
Better yet just give all pvp equal gear
Do away with weekly lockout on everything
Fix scaling
Buff looms back to pre 7.2.5
Hire a lot of support staff
Merge or One Tamriel the factions
Focus on quests
Bigger zones
AQ end game like mega quests
Lower the entry to raids

Basically stop pandering to the 1%


Horde made a huge mistake when they set fire to Teldrassil.

I don’t think that Wow is dying, I got a feeling that it is Waking up! Emerald Dream Night Elves from their deep slumber will be main focus and wow will have a Night Elf expanion.

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WoW is not dead. It is currently gathering itself, regaining its composure, and preparing to rise from whatever problems it is currently dealing with.

The main issue is the lack of relationship between Blizzard and the players. Blizzard is showing an effort to begin nurturing this relationship. I have faith. I see this headed in a positive direction.

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If the amount of players leaving is higher than the amount of players coming in. then yes it’s dying.

From what we’ve seen since WOTLK, sub numbers have been plunging each year rather than rising, which means there are more players leaving than coming in/

If this trend continues as it has for the last 10 years, and no new generation of players join the game, then we could see the end of WoW within the next 10 years

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The thing is, nobody know that other than Blizzard.

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Well we can take an educated guess and assume that more players are leaving than joining the game considering subscription numbers have plummeted since Wrath.

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then people go “oh oh they want to make money off service sales”.

namely server transfers. A nice business of late in TBCC. Many servers are dying. Death Getting sped up as entire guilds transfer.

The rise of the MegaServers! (dramatic music). And its not jsut pvp…even the bears are moving to the megaservers. Raid spots get tight all by themselves.

they dont need help with some sites estimating a whopping 200 horde on say bloodsail.

WHy I made the new BE on Mankrik. the growing megaserver if you want horde pve many advise to call it home at this point. I had a bloodsail horde BE. Not very lively. Not at all…not even 1 wts in channel 4 even. Nothing…in channel 4. at all.

PVP wise…grobulus is seeing a literal horde invasion too.

Even new players are advised to hit say wow tavern and find the most packed. saves spending money months later to move off a dead server.

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Earnings statement page 48
Diablo 2 best selling product for blizzard offsetting profit decline in WoW.
Profit relatively flat…
Meaning a lot of the gains they made due to the popularity of D2 have been negated by the dumpster fire that is current WoW even with the extra MAUs from the Hearthstone crossovers.
Add in the delays to OW2 and D4 as well as one of your leads leaving…

You get the picture.


i look forward to these same topics in the next expansion. just like all of the previous ones.

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Since EQ is on like its 26th expansion and has continued on even with only 50K players…

Safe to say the injured wildebeest that is WoW can continue on for a long while until the crocodile that is the bottom line catches up to it.

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Eve limps along at say 20K peak logins too. Might get better when they kill its scarcity crap soon. Time will tell.

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I was watching a youtube video of a FF14 player trying WoW for the first time and some of his remarks were pretty on the nose.

He started a DK which ends up getting you rotten fruit-basketed through Stormwind…and then suddenly he’s “the champion”
Their new player experience lacks story continuity.
It also lacks any reason to do any of the old content which would give story context.

Basically they have made changes that undermine their own narrative for new players.



WoW wont die, its just a year of newer games and expansions, once they get a taste of them… most will return.

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Wow is running fine. It’s at its content lull right now. And if it ever did start to lose money more than make money with its current subscription setup, it would just drop subscriptions all together and go the way of every other game out there where you just buy each xpac every year. People would flock for a time. And a few years later when that’s done and no longer making enough money, they’ll suddenly appear on the steam application.

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I mean it’s slowly dying. Anyone with eyes and no bias can see that.

However I just came back from a really long break and I’m having a great time. Getting this girl to 60 and then leveling / gearing a couple alts. I haven’t felt this energized to play WoW in a long, long, LONG time.


I do believe they’ve recently lost subs but does that mean the game is dying? In my opinion no. I think WoW will be around for many years to come. The subs lost might have been people reacting to the lawsuit news and I don’t think all the systems in Shadowlands has helped either. I still see tons of people playing during prime time so that’s a good sign.

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