Is WoW dead / dying (opinions)

Happens to every tech company that sells out. Steve Jobs explains it best.


See you in 9.1.5 dude.

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Nothing lasts forever.


I have zero interest in 9.1.5. I want new content, not recolored armor sets and recycled Mage Tower.


WoW at some point will be in the same boat as Everquest, but I give it a couple more years before it gets to that point.


Yes and partly yes. Activision did not cause the demise. Blizzard’s own employees did (see the pending investigations and lawsuits). Activision now has to make a sacrificial lamb out of blizzard to protect the rest of their company.

I mean, who would actually want to work at blizzard at this point?


Alot would after they clean the entire company of those cube crawlers.


Died when SL come out … there might be hope with 10.0

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No king rules forever my son :popcorn: Terenas Menethil the wise. He got out while the getting was good :laughing:

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She ain’t what she used to be that’s for darn sure.

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while wow is not “dead” yet I do think we are reaching the end of the road with the game.

gameplay wise there just really isnt much you can do anymore to spice it up, and the story…well the story has been done, most of the old lore this game is based on is done, scourge was dealt with, and so was the legion, as for new story/lore…well if the past 2 expansions are anything to go by…well it does not look good, to put it nicely.

WoW had a pretty good run, it had its ups and downs, but as they say…“No King rules forever”


No, this is accurate. I just didn’t bother listing it as a talking point because IMO its a given for WoW. The game has literally never had good writing. Even the Lich King in WotLK was a Saturday Morning Cartoon villain with the way he’d just show up, taunt, and disappear all the time. It’s not gotten any better or worse over time.

I do appreciate that questlines seem to be leading somewhere these days, instead of just being a series of inconsequential time wasters to cart you around the zone with. But even so, the stories they tell (and definitely the big overarching cinematic-filled narrative) just aren’t written competently.

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If you ask the forums, WoW has been dying since 2004.


People that subbed to the game then proceed to say the game is dying is just weird. :rofl:

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No it’s not actually.


As long as you can still reply, your account is currently active.

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I unsubscribed about 3 weeks ago after playing steady since BC. I still creep the forums because I invested so much time in the game over the years and it isn’t easy to just let go.

What did it for me was the locking of gear behind rating in PvP. I want to be able to have top tier conquest gear as a reward for my time/matches played or conquest earned.

I feel that if the top end pvp players get special mog gear as a reward to show they are the best of the best that is sufficient and the rest of us should not be locked out of the best pvp gear stat wise.

If it changes to a system like I am describing I would love to come back but if not then I am done investing my time and money into World of Warcraft.



lol what a noob, you don’t need a sub for the forums. I’m glad that you guys are enjoying yourself I would feel way more sorry for you if you weren’t. I know I wasn’t enjoying the game at all, I logged on several times in the last month I owned a sub just to sit at selection screen and log back out, sometimes I would select one of my toons load in think of all the bs this game wants me to do and than immediately log back out. Bought new world today, I don’t think jeff bezos needs the money the way Ion does so maybe that game will have a bright future and be a game instead of an addiction/casino simulator where you do chores all day.

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Not going to bother reading replies, when I already know what others have posted.

Is WoW dying in the sense that playerbase is drying up and we won’t get new (spaced further and further out) content? Absolutely not.

The original Everquest gets new expansions and content released. Warcraft will be around for a very long time.

Is it dying in the sense that the developers are on a completely different track and that the game will continue to alienate a rather large portion of it’s player base? Yes.


That is so sad.