Is WoW dead / dying (opinions)

Wait aren’t you Voodoodru?

Wait, aren’t you Duffle?

I am actually, but are you Voodoodru or not?

Why do you need to know? Are you also all those other characters you pull this stunt with to freak out people who didn’t realize they were being stalked on the forums? Seriously, a classic character I have never seen before addresses me as a character on a different account who hasn’t been played in years? What’s wrong with you?

Why do you keep dodging the question? i answered yours, now answer mine?

Because stalkers and harassers should be banned from the forums. Nobody owes you their personal information.

No. There is no objective reason to think that.

If im actually Duffles wouldn’t that makes you a stalker?

I don’t think it’s dying but it’s definitely getting smaller. And not only in terms of accounts and income but also general hype and representation on social media and streaming platforms.

I think we can just look at the next two months and know even Blizzard knows they’re up s- creek without a paddle. They deliberately divorced the Legion timewalking from the patch by over a month conveniently to line up with the same day as Endwalker’s raid will drop. Even going so far as to say “Remember, if you don’t do it then you need to wait 18 weeks.”

Now they’ve just announced the new Classic season a week before the Endwalker release.

I don’t think WoW is dead. Obviously it’s not. Anyone saying it’s actually dead is just really excited to see it struggle.

I’d even hesitate to say it’s dying. But how do you define that in the first place? Is a game that’s losing more players than its gaining “dying”? Then yeah, it’s dying, but that’d mean it’s been dying since like 2010. If a video game can be “dying” for literally 11 years and still be debatably the top spot in the entire genre, is it really dying? I don’t really think so.

But at the very least, WoW is not at its best right now. The gap between patches is… awful so far in Shadowlands. And while I understand the pandemic put Blizz behind schedule, we can’t just use that as an excuse indefinitely.

That aside, the design of the game in general is becoming questionable, in terms of how its perceived by players at least. IMO, there’s probably 3 areas that people (in general) are the most miffed about.

  1. “Borrowed Power”. I hate how much people latch on to buzzwords and abuse them here, but even so, it’s clear this concept has run its course. It’s not that having some sort of day-to-day grind to work on is bad, but having to work to unlock and maintain what effectively used to be a free level up reward, only to lose access to it going into the next expansion, has become more and more hated over time. If nothing else, they need to implement some sort of system to make Borrowed Power… less borrowed, so the work doesn’t feel wasted. Either that or just go back to giving a few abilities/passives as leveling rewards and find some other carrot for the daily grind.
  2. PvE Currency Vendors. I think part of it is just people putting MoP on a pedestal for some reason, but I think at this point a lot of players, especially more casual players, are really wanting something similar to the old JP/VP system, so they have more access to higher quality gear, instead of hitting a hard wall where they HAVE to jump into something like organized raiding (or something like Korthia where you can’t get reasonable rewards until, you know, 3 months into the patch or however long it took to get the required rank). Personally I appreciated Titan Residuum and would like to see an expanded/polished version of that instead of the old “spam Heroics for 2nd-BiS loot from the vendor” VP system, since at least it encourages running the hardest content you’re comfortable with, but I don’t know how others would feel about that.
  3. PvP. Idk anything about PvP but even I know it’s in a weird place and has been for awhile, for reasons that aren’t just your typical class balance complaints.

So, I guess overall, I think WoW is struggling but not dying, but where it goes from here is going to matter a whole lot. We’ve now had 2 expansions in a row largely considered to be flops (a first for WoW). If Blizzard doesn’t change something for 10.0, it’s going to be hard for people who are already frustrated with WoW to justify staying.


No. I do not.

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I’d add to your list:

  1. Story. I know nobody, IRL, in the game, or on any forum, who thinks that WoW is well-written or even average. (If you feel otherwise, I’d seriously love to hear from you, no judgments.) It’s a nonsensical story riddled with terrible characters and idiotic plot twists. And if Sylvanas escapes punishment for her crimes, as I strongly suspect will happen, then I will call it immoral as well.

Wow combat system is still one of the best.

Easy access to addons which also let you know how you are performing is also huge.

It might be in a bit of a rough patch but wow is isn’t going to die anytime soon, unless they completely screw it up some how.

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Define dead, as dead obviously doesn’t mean “no one plays it” since I play it and others play it so I need to know what this word means in the context it’s being used.

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I mean both of my personal sub’s were canceled this week one locked to BFA for pvp, and one main account and the rest of my family has already left so that’s another 3 subs/people that i know irl that have moved on.

I’m here because I’m hella salty at this point and just enjoying the show.

It might not be dead, but it sure is a crap show


This is a joke right?


Your account is still active right?

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Not dead, but dying a slow death of a thousand cuts.


I’d add to your list:

  1. Better QoL features for grouping and guild finding. Match people up in same time zone. Find players who are of your skill level.

Right now WoW just feels like a game designed around the 1% of players.