Is WoW dead / dying (opinions)

How are you not banned for posting this?

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because you’re not in charge \o/ \o/

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every time they release a new expansion, it sells almost as well as previous expansions, which indicates people are probably going to continue giving Blizzard chances to hook them back into the game permanently

yeah, this is definitely why there is no new content: because of the blue/pink haired freakazoids in the HR department in your imagination

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We all get old some day, my friend. Maybe, WoW is getting tired too

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Dead? No
Content drought? Yes

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I was actually talking about this the other day with a friend. We were debating which drought felt worse, Cata or Panda.

I said Cata because we didn’t have the side games that came with Panda, and PvP was pretty fun at that time since many classes/specs were just OP.

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You don’t think these freaks have a bias as to who they hire? You know, people like them. Soulless, boring, whining, attention 'hos. Nah, I doubt it has anything to do with the problems at the company. You’re right.

Because the truth shall set you free.

Look. You can try to silence me. You may even succeed, but it doesn’t change the truth that people like the blue/pink haired weirdboys that speak about canceling everyone they don’t like are making the world a much worse place than people like me that hurt your feelings.


To paraphrase Edmund Blackadder: “Yes, but how many sets of legs has that game got? Really, I wish it’d make up its mind – either it dies now, or it lives forever! It’s all this shilly-shallying that’s so undignified.”

I feel like wow is not dying. There have been a plethora of changes to the game over the years, some would argue are good, some would argue are bad. But i mean, i would argue it is in decline trying to adapt to each new era. I mean, in retail, realistically the only things i complain about, i miss the old overworld, the classic 1-60 overworld dungeons and quests would be an awesome addition to chromie time in my op. And 9.1.5 did some political stuff. I have been through pretty much every change, alteration, or addition to the game over the years.

I also believe retail wow and just wow in general are not as popular as they once were, back when the experience itself was a brand new experience also. I mean, classic wow or retail wow are not new. The content itself is new content, but what you have to do is not. It is all the same. Questing, leveling up, raiding, pvp, gearing. Wow also is not as much of an RPG anymore in it’s retail state. I mean, you no longer need to buy class skills or upgrades anymore. No more ammo, which makes sense in an rpg setting, that if you want to shoot something, you might need projectiles to shoot with.

Other than alot of other things, especially the pay to win stuffs, it is essentially the same game over and over and over again at this point. The raids are new, the quests are new, but questing and raiding are not new concepts anymore. So definitely a decline, in popularity and overall enjoyability for alot of players, but i still find it fun. Seriously though blizzard. Classic wow 1-60 overworld quests and dungeons/zones for chromie time leveling would be awesome for retail if you ask me. Only reason i played classic beyond nostalgia and just how the game worked from classic to classic wrath. It became a bit of a different game cataclysm onward. I mean, with chromie time, it was a nice idea. Way easier to design the whole game around choice and to design the abilities and talents and all that around 60 levels vs. balancing everything around like 2 thouand levels. Just an amazing feature if you ask me. But my favorite overworld will always be classic 1-60. All the overworlds have been good though. But adding the removed overworld as an option would make my day.

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I think the game is still healthy but 90% of the servers are not. More merges need to happen etc. This game is over 15 years old.

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They need to rebuild the complete structure, including letting Alliance and Horde-players interact together. On the other side, server transfers are way too expensive, even if they include the new bulk-version for mass transfers.


It’s not only droughts that caused this but it’s also design philosophy. The over emphasis on competitive end game content is what really started driving the casual players away. Casual players largely are okay with most of the rep grinds and evergreen content, but when the clear focus is on making harder and harder sweaty group competitive content you’re driving a big chunk of players away.

Incorrect. This is just more conservative complaining. Players aren’t leaving because of the changes with the names and changing of pictures. Players who are leaving are doing so because the game sucks. The core mechanics are not fun. The over emphasis on organized competitive play is what’s driving players to find alternatives without as much emphasis on that content.

This is why PTR needs to end. Stop asking us to beta test for you, and ignore our feedback. Go hire some QA testers and keep use that internal feedback, which they’re more likely to respond to.

When WoW fell back behind FF14 on that site recently people dismissed it as bogus numbers. If they can do that, we can ignore the positive too.

People need to stop saying WoW is dying or near death. EQ is still around, EQ2 just launched a new expansion. What’s happening is WoW’s sub dominance is going away and it’s because it’s becoming reflective of the game the Devs are making which is a game that’s designed for hardcore competitive MMORPG players.

I wouldn’t say succumbed but voluntarily went with them.

This is correct. It’s not because Mythic Players bully them though. It’s because the Devs have a certain game mode they play and that’s what gets all the development time. Where Blizz went wrong was when they convinced themselves that endgame was the game. That’s the critical failure of opinion. Think about this way an MMORPG is another from of RPG just on a larger scale with millions of players. During all of my time in any RPG the most time I spent was leveling, and building the character. If you only focus on endgame and competitive MMORPG gameplay mechanics you get away from this. To simplify take D&D as an example, the game most modern day RPGs are based around. When I first started playing that 6 years ago I was pretty shocked to find out that the vast majority of players never played a level 15+ campaign. This is true for RPGs your time isn’t spent being the big hero who can do everything, but it’s about being the chump who becomes semi-competent

I’d say Blizzard has a certain game mode they like Raiding, and M+ and they decided that’s what all the players want so they made annoying grinds and chores, which really only slows Mythic Progression people down, and the rest of us who weren’t doing that content got nothing.

If we’re to say that in 1992 it’s the economy, stupid. We should be saying now with regards to WoW and being in 2021, it’s the casual players, stupid.

Ya you definetely strike me as someone who’d see me as the only other white guy in a bar, and decide I’m going to be your huckleberry and shoulder for casual racism/sexism. Normally people who have these opinions don’t stop with it’s too much, usually they want to go back to the 50s and 60s. Which if you’re not a white guy, sucked.

Finally someone gets it. Players are leaving because of design philosphy. The biggest group who left were/are casual players. Not the bottom of the rung pet battle casual players but casual players who do korthia and then wonder what else can they do.

Lets also be real, they used it for advertising too, and when the trend started going against their narrative, they stopped releasing them.

Correct. Blizzard as a company has completely tried the esport route, and failed. Their only game left with a small esport crew is Overwatch. HOTS was pure failure. They tried to get people excited for e-sport MMORPGs, which isn’t reading the room.


One patch in a year is proof enough right wow is suffering


We need to define what dead is. WoW has a downsized player base, it has become more of a niche game, more in line with other less popular MMOs, for some this is as popular as they will ever be.
Whether or not WoW will rebound is uncertain, the game is in a worse spot right now than it has ever been in its history. If you can still find a group to run content is the game dead?

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The merge happened well before most players on this forum even started playing. WoW has been Activision-Blizzard longer than WoW was Blizzard.

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If it does not fix and correct its course it will not be dead. it will at best have 50,000. Poor customer service, along with poorly manage games and poorly design games is not the direction any company wants to go. Somehow they manage the 3 big nos. I can see them hit the last one soon at the current rate. That bad publicity> So far no company comes back for hitting the four.

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Pandemic happens, hard to understand i know.

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Beer AND artifacts?

Sign me up!

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I’m going to disagree here.

Even if they do the right thing with their legal issues and victims of decades of harassment and discrimination, if they don’t get their heads on straight and start to make a game more players want to play, the end is coming faster.

I can picture you continuing to blame the pandemic 5 years from now. Other companies not only recovered and gained market share, but Blizzard is going to continue to blame the pandemic for years.

Or maybe it’s all asmongold’s fault. He mind controlled millions of players to leave even though they never watched him.

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