Is WoW a relaxing game for you?

when i actively playing wow - i’m doing that for endgame content. And there’s nothing relaxing about m+

I was chilling doing 15s in Shadowlands lol

Just plop on a Nightcore playlist and go to town XD

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It really depends more on my overall mood than on whatever is going on within the game. There have been times I found dungeons relaxing and times even just collecting herbs was weirdly stressing me out. In addition, sometimes playing alone is more chill, sometimes playing alone is depressing, sometimes playing with people is depressing or stressful, sometimes playing with people is relaxing. Really all depends

At one time it was , but now it’s just rush you through and boring

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classic is amazingly relaxing.

no pressure and a slow pace…

no Tuesday anxiety…

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Not going to lie, but now it is. This is the first expansion (including Vanilla) that I am not doing raiding (other than LFR to just see the content). I am playing very casual this time around as I am playing another mmo as my main one. So WoW has felt a lot more relaxing knowing I don’t have a set raid schedule and feel I have to grind high m+ to keep up with fellow guildees.

I feel for how much time I am putting into the game that I have a lot done and I am happy with my ilvl considering I am not heroic raiding this time around. I still have renown to grow as none are maxed and a two are only like around 14.


It can be. Depends on what I’m doing.

I’ll generally put on some ASMR or Soundscape music when I’m not doing end game stuff. Like:

  • Leveling an alt purely through quests. No dungeons or PVP.
  • Running old raids for Transmog
  • Flying around just farming mats
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I enjoy what little bit I get to play now, once you take the competiveness out of it, it becomes a lot easier game to enjoy.

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The game is fun. Other players stress me out :wink:

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Yes. As long as I stay out of groups. Group content is too frustrating either because people are moving at speeds faster than I want to go or I feel that I am not going to be successful in it at all. So I just do world content to have fun and relax.

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I don’t need or want the game to be entirely relaxing. I know for some people that seems antithesisto a hobby but… I do like a challenge from time to time.

But I don’t think the fun is there. At least not anymore. There are diminishing returns on raid and mythic. is that blizzard’s fault or mine? Jury’s out

Yes it can be very relaxing.

Also can be the opposite when I think of beating Kruul in the Mage Tower during Legion, that was heart racing stuff for sure.

If you want stress, it’s there for you, not even hiding lol.

I’m a late poster here but yes, the game is relaxing for me. Why? Because I stopped doing anything that I didn’t feel like doing years ago. That means I don’t raid anymore or do Mythics and any pvp I do is very casual and not towards any kind of high-level goal. I log in and do whatever I feel like for that day. It’s nice.

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In general, yes. I get frustrated with people sometimes, but it’s usually relaxing.

I am riding the struggle bus of no fun. I hate mythics but I want the rewards. My anxiety has been over the roof thanks to the affixes.

Yeah. :dracthyr_love_animated: Higher mmr arena not so much but that’s a small bit of the game for me.

Oddly enough, Time Walking this week is a hoot.

queues very fast for DPS and bosses going down like ( metaphor of choice).

fun tuning, good rewards and fast queues and even group content can be relaxing.

I agree.

Some people say it’s not, which I can’t seem to fathom.

It used to be, not anymore. More of a ‘whatever’ type experience.

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when I switch to classic, especially vanilla, I have to decompress from retail…

it can be hard.