Is WoW a relaxing game for you?

Depends on the day and what I’m doing, but for the most part I keep my biz pretty chill.

Running old stuff, gathering, and treasure hunting is a super chill vibe.

It’s nice that there are so many options for things to do in game, I can be as low-key as I want. Or I can challenge myself if I’m feeling that, too.

The game is relaxing.

The people who play it have issues and make it stressful for others. Most of them get their jollies out of doing this. It gets them attention they crave but lack in real life, maybe?

Ever since I stopped playing group content, I’ve been chill as could be and enjoying the game so much.

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When I need it to be sure.

I haven’t played it in AGES but Skyrim was also a big fav for “i need to relax”. I would just get good headphones and walk around. Hearing the crunch of foot steps and all that.

Playing WoW helps broaden perspective… you quickly realize there are some odd and peculiar people out there, which could make you feel better about yourself… or be the total opposite of “relaxing”. Who knows… maybe i’ll get banned again for this comment.

I hated M+ so much this season, it ruined the game for me.

I decided to go full filthy solo casual and ignore any content that I feel is stressful moving forward.

Yes, some times. When I do PvP, I can get stressed or anxious. But when I casually quest in Chromie Time, or level an alt, it can be relaxing, especially when listening to the Azure Span’s music.

Certain in-game activities are relaxing like farming mounts, toys, achievements etc. But Arenas is stressful for me, my anxiety just shoots through the roof. Especially if I made a mistake.

Casually playing for sure. I used to find it very relaxing just to play and level characters when I was bored. These days not so much because the leveling feels pointless, you can get a character to max with so little time and effort. As for grinding world quests and various chores no, that’s something you almost have to force yourself into doing nowadays. It’s not fun, at all.

As for the other harder content that depends on you as a person and if you’re playing with a terrible pug.

I think mythic raszageth is pretty chill. man i love doing nerfed fights.

m+ is pretty stressful and unfun now. i cant see a damn thing in quite a few of these dungeons. maybe im gettin old at 24

My GM laughs at me when I say I am a casual. Sure I do a lot, but it is at my relaxed and enjoyable pace. I’ve just been doing it do so long I am efficient.

Wouldnt say relaxing but it does give me a place to go to avoid reality because IRL sucks for me.

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Depending on what I do. Playing by myself, or even queuing dungeons on alts is pretty relaxing. Hard group content though or rated PvP is pretty stresful. Although sometimes that buzz is exactly what I want, usually I avoid it.

It depends on your playstyle. I dont min/max, pvp, push keys or do hard raiding. Im more about chilling while I do what I want and when.

When other’s game play or attitudes aren’t a part of it, The game can be relaxing when you control it.

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I find it relaxing. I play with a small group of friends and we have fun pushing keys. No guild/raid drama, no pugging, and no PvP.

If you experience anxiety playing WoW, you should take a step back and reassess your gaming choices.

Generally yes. LFR is probably the hardest thing I do. I judge my characters’ power by how well they kill the open world, I’m usually on the extreme low end for what’s considered “epic” gear. And I’m fine with that, I never had enough friends playing at the same time to ever do more than pug normal raids. I hate pugging. No queue = will not do.

In general I need to relax more, I definitely would not keep playing if I ever started taking it anymore seriously than copying talents from icy veins and some class rotation guides.

I find it relaxing. Even when I’m doing difficult clenching content.

Relaxing outside early season key pushing (and anything pvp related which I’ve recently decided just wasn’t for me anymore due to the stress).

Right now I’m running around collecting eggs and sipping some coffee.

Good stuff.

Yup. Otherwise I wouldn’t be playing it.

I listen to Nightcore while doing m+… good times… XD

I wish I could say it was. But, it isn’t. However, I’m not going to sit here and blame recent changes. The game has always been competitive and had grinds and gated-content. The only time I’m somewhat relaxed is while leveling a new class/spec, especially if I do it in the old world. I just finished leveling a night elf warrior through Teldrassil, Dolanaar, Darkshore, Ashenvale, and Stonetalon. Pretty much leveled out of old world (sad panda), so she’s off to BfA to finish.