Is WoW a relaxing game for you?

I wish we had an ignore function for FOMO.

I don’t even want to see it anymore. Not the term FOMO. Just anything that -is- FOMO. Like “get this thing before it goes away forever!”

“Get this motorcycle before California law states we can’t put it back in the game, because some contract!”

“We can’t just design a similar motorcycle with a little bit different design to please the players!”

“We have the players on ignore! Heh!”

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Not lately. My favored mode of play is as a “Completionist”. So, in trying to get every little thing out of various modes of play I seem to be repeat running more and more timed content. Torghast, Dragonriding Races, etc. I’m an old man. I don’t feel like I should always be forced to feel like “Going Fast™” is the best way to play the game. And when I spend x number of attempts at y number of dragonriding races for gold times? I just log off exhausted.

Yes it’s fun. Yes it’s a nice feeling of accomplishment. No I don’t appreciate this being the “go to” for new content. And it always is, even when it makes zero sense.

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I want to get the Honor Level 500 mount. That’s about it. Beyond that I don’t even know what I want from WoW.

But the community sure does entertain me.

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Most of what I do is pretty chill, I generally pop a podcast or movie on and do my thing.

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Well yes… knowledge is power, use it wisely. Hail champion

Absolutely. It’s why I keep playing all these years. I just put on music, podcast or a movie and mindlessly play whatever character I’m into at the time (I have about 23 characters most all classes and races represented. Both factions) .

I don’t raid don’t do m+ save for once in a blue moon.

I use the game to unwind my day more than anything else, mental distraction if you will for an hour or two. Sometimes I’ll play even longer sometimes less.


it used to be relaxing but the sweaty people who are developing the game now don’t understand the concept of playing for relaxation so it is becoming far less so.

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Yeah, OG Mists of Pandaria name

It’s as relaxing as I let it be.

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Sometimes its so relaxing I fall asleep playing it.


Questing, gathering, and general world shenanigans are relaxing to me. Stuff like m+ or pvp is when i feel like blasting some music and punchin faces.

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I legit did that before woke up when I almost slumped on my desk. Thankfully no one saw it.


Yes, because I refuse to do any content that is too stressful or miserable.



Oh you’re like me then :slight_smile:

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Actually yeah. WoW is only stressful for me on raid nights with progression. Outside that its pretty relaxing. If it stops being relaxing I play something else, my other go to game lately has been Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous. Its actually surprisingly fun.

“Catch Up” patches are always a delight for bloody casuals like myself. In that sense it’s been very relaxing.

I went through the progression raiding phase from Wrath through WoD and finally flamed out. At this point I’m just happy to be able to enjoy a lower level of challenge after work. Last thing I need is a game that stresses me out more than my work already does :slight_smile:


It depends on how well the people are playing that I’m with.

I find it relaxing because I choose not to do things like high end raiding/pvp. I just enjoy what I want at my leisure. From my experience, the most taxing element of MMO’s are other players. >_>;

It has its moments. Like, steamrolling through older dungeons/raids solo or coming upon a mob of other players chasing after rares.

Yeah, plus it’s a nice distraction from what’s going outside the game.