Is vol'jin gay?

Go look at his post history.


Pretty easy to tell he’s trolling. Not engaging in a intellectual discussion and going straight to attacks on my opinion/character. The forums is a place of discussion, not to attack others for their opinions.

i get told i’m trolling too cuz i am not a conservative. the thing is the ones who “cancel” the most on the forums are not liberals…

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I don’t ever attack others but simply I make my opinion known if I don’t agree with others. I don’t tell people to “get lost” or other non-constructive one liners. Conservative or liberal, or whatever you consider yourself, your opinion matters and shouldn’t be disregarded.

Those saying “just look at his post history”… Just because you don’t like what i’ve said in my post history does not make my opinions less valid. I’m not sorry for having an opinion and voicing them on the forums. I’m not breaking any rules and I’m being respectful, more than I can say for a lot of users here.

No, he’s not; however, Anduin is.

You wouldn’t see me taking any romantic interest in women either. Maybe Vol’jin’s a p$%!y like me.

the only time i recall seeing you post before now you made a post about how you like sl or something. which to some immediately makes you a troll to not be taken seriously. :rofl: i love sl and wow in general as well.

At one point in Shadows of the Horde Vol’jin muses that he could probably have slept with a female Zandalari troll that was trying to sway him to her side, but he refrained from doing so because he knew she was infatuated with him and refusing gave him a measure of power over her.

Thats basically all we know of his sexuality.

He went into a wildseed after mantling Rezan.

Hes probably going to come back as Voljin the Loa of Kings.

He also necro a last year September thread right now :slight_smile:

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Racism exists because hatred exists. You are spewing tons of hatred. You are no better than the worst racists out there.

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I’m still holding out hope of him coming back as Loa of the Horde

We need it. Right now our only leader with any power whatsoever is Talanji.

Our leaders are garbage man. We need Loa Vol’jin.

Yes, I made a thread about what I enjoy about Shadowlands, trying to bring some positivity into the forums and my post got flagged for “trolling”. You really can’t have any positive posts on these forums without getting flagged. It’s pretty sad and it scares away others from making similar threads. Of course, the flag got thrown out but it’s just crazy how some people think it’s okay to false-flag and waste moderators time because they think flagging is the dislike button.

much like this thread, I don’t think OP is trolling or breaking any rules. If he really thinks Vol’jin might be gay or on the LGBT spectrum, it’s his right to have that opinion or suggestion. Every single thread I’ve seen suggesting lgbt representation gets auto-flagged and Blizzard really needs to punish those for false-flagging.

i’ve been flagged for it too. someone even had a breakdown and accused me and someone else of being one person agreeing with ourselves in a thread because our opinion was that the game is good/fun. i told him to check our achievements. :wink:

If you want any character to be gay in your mind then do so.

That’s the beauty of the RP aspect of the game

Make your own story.

It’s not necessary to change the story to suit your own idea

Don’t put stock into what gets flagged and removed. It’s only going to get worse from here, and more political. One time I called out a blatant transgender bait thread as a transgender bait thread, and an actual mod removed my post despite the OP and contents of the thread. No forum vacation, though.

It really doesn’t take much for the representation crew to go after a character huh

How do you know if it was a bait thread or if the OP was being genuine? You really don’t so if you’re going to say something negative or hurtful, it’s best just to not say anything at all. If you did that, I think the mod has every right to remove your post.

Obviously trolling zzzzzz