Is vol'jin gay?

Give it a rest. You got your representation now let it rest! If you need more then get together with other players and roleplay.

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Don’t tell OP to give it a rest. You sound homophobic when you post things like that. It’s OP’s opinion to want more LGBT representation in the game. Nothing wrong with that and there’s a lot of homophonic replies in this thread. We’re in 2021 people. Get used to it.

Who cares?

Lumping people or NPCs into broad, generalized categories based on their sexual orientation is idiotic at best, and something much worse, at worst.


Obviously OP cares. If it bothers you that much you’re free to not play the game or ignore the story. It hurts literally no one.

West of Wyrmrest Temple, just outside the Nerubian dungeon area.

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wrath was a long time ago. easy to forget these things!

You are seriously projecting here and letting your own bias reflect on the Winter Queen’s character. The Winter Queen has nothing against Trolls, or Loa or anything else Horde.

she literally told bwosamdi to kick rocks and she didn’t care about the loas stuff initially though.

Get lost with your righteous attitude.

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Not righteous, realistic. If you can’t accept lgbt inclusivity in 2021, you’re going to have a bad time.

If he’s going to be reborn, it’d need to happen within SL, so I’m assuming he will be a big part of a future patch. Don’t forget that we’ve been building up to Vol’Jin for three expansions now.

And with your rhetoric too.

If you’re not going to explain your stance and just keep attacking me why do you bother responding?

responding to that guy is a forum vacation waiting to happen. we all know you’re right. don’t fall into the trap, my dude.

I can’t say that I think LGBT+ inclusion is mandatory…but it would certainly be nice. Like that fact that several races finally got POC skin colors; people want, in some way, for their characters to resemble them. Whether it’s the color of their skin of their sexual preference, it’s a very similar thing. That being said, having a LGBT+ character be new, and occur organically, rather than shoehorning that onto an already existing character would be much better.


it’s like pelagos. blizz has said he’s trans. but there’s still people who say “she” or say stuff about reincarnation making him not trans. which blizz has said he is. stuff like that is WHY new stuff needs to be introduced. the backlash otherwise? yeesh.

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She finds Bwonsamdi annoying. To her, he’s the equivalent of a child begging for candy. And she did care about the Loa, it’s her entire job to rebirth the nature spirits of the universe and there is no distinction between the Loa and the Wild Gods or any other planet’s nature god.

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I know I’m right. it’s pretty obvious. Why would I get a forum vacation? I try to engage in conversation and get answers but unfortunately most of these forum users are only here to troll…

Quite rich coming from you :joy::joy:


what has he said that is trolling?