Is vol'jin gay?

i doubt the op is even actually a part of the community. a lot of my friends are and NONE of us think this way. or would troll the forums and then call other people trolls for pointing out the trolling.

OP’s post history. Lol

Statistically. No he probably isn’t.

Well…one can see what’s the intent behind the writing. For example this one by OP is clearly a bait thread to troll GD

Wait i…replied wrong person.

The reply is meant for Twochainz

you can tell by some of the stuff they said. it’s like when men give themselves away when they make threads talking about how horrible women have it in game and act like women normally spend all day talking to each other about their periods. which none of us do.

Sorry I quoted you by mistake.

Be careful, some of those might actually be… trans women… :wink: :wink:

He has children and an unnamed significant other Blizzard never cared enought to flesh out (Mentioned in Shadows of the Horde)

He is now the Loa of bawchickabowwow.

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You guys have gotten so much equality, at this point your just being needy/gluttonous.

i’m pretty sure you’re barking up the wrong tree. i’m almost positive rhielle is married to a man, and i know she’s female. so…?

Gees,just because a guy is single doesn’t mean his gay. By golly,and don’t me call it either<just old and grumpy besides haven’t had my coffee yet.

What vol Jin does in his own hut is his business and no one else’s. Is there any way we can prevent the endless volume of stupidity from plaguing these forums?

You know there is more to life than sexuality right?

You’re a blood elf Paladin bro, lol

So if any male character who hasn’t shown/had a “romantic” relationship with a female is automatically gay?

Is this the same for female characters who don’t show/have a romantic relationship with a male?

Never knew it worked like this. So since I’m not in an actual relationship does this mean I’m gay?

What does that have to do with anything? You’re a void elf hunter. Interesting irrelevant observation.

The TQ segment of the rainbow will not be satisfied until every character is “queer”. Source: dark fandom days. They’re obsessed with power and ownership they don’t have in real life.


Also being dead is no excuse either.


Yea… nobody cares. How about blizzard balance the game instead of trying to balance the next social justice trend.

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