Is vol'jin gay?

I like that stuff as well. I love QaF as well (can’t use the full name on the forums) even though I’m not a gay man, cuz the show was so good. AHS coven is probably my favorite season of anything ever. So good.

Omg yes :heart_eyes:

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Sorry but as an asexual person I take offense to this statement.
Saying we want ONE character to not have a sexual preference is not necessarily homophobia quite the opposite, it’s people like me wanting representation of ourselves.
Asking a company to remove one of the very few representations of people like myself who are asexual seems more like YOU’RE discriminating.


I didn’t bring my excedrin migraine extra strength… and this thread has caused one.

Don’t take this thread seriously… just… don’t.

As a vegan, I want my representation too :joy::joy:

He is being reborn as the Loa of Kings. Rezan gave him the last of his essence and told him to go off and take his place because his people needed him… He will be back as himself but reborn as a Loa.

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These troll attempts arent even trying anymore.

You really typed all this out and thought “yeah, thisll get them all riled up! I’m so hilarious.”?

How pathetic .

So you want them to use a dead character that is no longer part of the story?

You sure?

There are veggies in the game. Mixed with the meat and fish ofc.

possible but not anytime soon. Blizzard essentially finished his storyline and wrote him out of Shadowlands… if he does come back it will probably be after this xpac.

My oldest friend is a biromatic asexual and has no representation at all but understands why. Its silly to get so bent out of shape trying to make a character into something they’re not regardless.

Let’s make Anduin gay. He’s blonde so it’s perfect.

Just a random thought but…I don’t think we have seen any lesbians lol. It’s always two dudes.

This is possible but I doubt it. They expedited Ysera’s time regenerating, I suspect they will do the same for Vol’jin so that he will be a part of the final battle against the Jailer. It is kind of pointless making his ascension to Loa-hood be the end product of a third of the Night Fae covenant campaign just to forget about him till some future xpac.

Some people want this game to turn into a soap opera. It is a rather bizarre trend.


the winterqueen barely likes and is visibly annoyed/sickened by trolls as it is already… i doubt she’ll sacrifice a single ounce of her anima to revive a troll. Only reason they revived Ysera is her lackies made a good argument about everything that is emerald dying (i.e. the emerald dream) if ysera dies…

Vol’jin has not one, not two, but three sons. He has interest in women.

Theres two lesbian nelf ghosts in legion that you interact with if you’re an enchanter. Theres also a gnome and a nelf couple in wrath somewhere but I can’t recall exactly where off the top of my head.

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Gotta let people be who they are. Voljin is straight. Want more LGBT characters? Ask for new ones. I am LGBT but id be do annoyed if they randomly made him gay out of nowhere. That’s not representation. Its pandering.