“pick me guys! I’m not like the others pick me!”
I don’t even know what this nonsense us supposed to mean.
And somehow you managed to turn a discussion about a fictional troll leader into a real world racial justice/injustice discussion.
He isn’t gay. No character needs to be any sexuality because that should never be the focus of their story. Let the writers do their thing and we’ll see representation occur naturally.
In all seriousness, I’d like to see more lgbt representation. I’m not sure voljin is a good example but Blizzard should be taking more progressive stances on lgbt inclusivity. Having a lgbt main character would be a game changer and it’s something I think Blizzard should take into consideration.
hahaha…Loser. Those who wait rather than taking charge of their lives go nowhere.
I’m fairly certain it’s like a trainwreck… you want to turn away… but you can’t… and the horror just makes no sense.
Equality is what we should all strive for. Not preferential treatment for anyone. Im also a woman. Which makes me eve more zomg repressed comparatively. But 99% of people who don’t tick all the boxes i do treat me as they do everyone else.
I’m genderfluid masc presenting so you being a woman does t really belittle my point in any way.
Why I have a feeling that you and OP are same person
I’m definitely watching this train wreck willingly
Problem is, Blizz listens. It’s why Shaw and Flynn are together now. That poorly written, shoehorned story exists because of this stuff.
It could have been written well. It could have developed over time and been something great for the characters. But no. We got a quickly shoehorned story that’s crappy and doesn’t develop the characters at all, because they just decided to give in and shove it into a book as fast as they could.
Same… I’m going to enjoy the ending thou… because I already know how this is going to end.
You do realize that by posting stuff the way you are causes more harm than good right? Then you’ll call them all bigots even though you’re the one acting a fool.
AAA industry scared of SJW folks on Twitter. This is quite frustrating.
Why is “representation” mandatory? Could the whole game go in it’s entire lifespan without any leader being homosexual? Sure, Earth humans can be gay, but Azeroth isn’t Earth, so what if homosexuality never happens, ever, there for no other reason than it just never does?
Can that be ok?
Dok… that’s the point.
They do this on purpose… to shine a negative light and echo a negative stereotype.
They are bigoted they attacked me first and flagged my post because I ask for LGBT representation on a main character. these forum straights want you and I to be in the back row.
Considering the game has had representation for a long time, you’re a bit late in that request.
Huh? I’m all for lgbt representation and think it actually would benefit the game. I don’t agree with OP that Vol’jin is/should be gay. But I do think in future story content, a major character should be written with lgbt in mind.