Is vol'jin gay?

He’s had kids, so I would assume not unless he was just hiding it. Which as far as I know he would have no reason to do.

nope he is not. You can pretend if you want he is but the game has him being straight currently.

If they want to introduce new gay characters to this is fine but can people please stop requesting blizzard twist characters sexuality like they need it to meet some sort of quota. They have enough problems as it is with writing a coherent story lets not try make it more complex than it needs to be.

I failed to get through shadows rising because later half became overly saturated about why flynn and shaw pine for one another (not to mention the whingy Anduin crying about his burdens). We have gotten two short storied already basically only about romances we don’t need any more. We need less romance and more focus on story and developing the world.

Oh please, nearly every major WoW book has had characters pining for each other. Whether it be Draka/Durotan, Jaina/Kalec, Arthas/Jaina, Tyrande/Malfurion. In Flynn/Shaw it was max two chapters of lovey dove stuff with a good chunk of world building tossed on the side.

If anything the Last Guardian is probably the only WoW book without romance in it.

Or you know, we can have more short stories. Hell, Terror by Torchlight was more than just a love story and had a good chunk of adventure in it.

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It has gotten progressively worse however. Where before it was perhaps a small mention of one characters interest in another is a passing mention perhaps a small paragraph. Now days its literally a chapter about of Shaw describing how shaw smells or how he’s fantasying about a holiday they will take. Its out of control and im so tired of these over melodramatic characters.

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We get it. You don’t like gay people in ‘your’ fantasy video game.

Well guess what, a lot of us with morals do

What does having gay people in a computer game have to do with Morals? Seems like you just like calling people out as homophones if they don’t agree with you. Perhaps take a look at your own morals.

Ill just point out they can introduce a hundred new characters that are gay I wouldn’t care less. I really liked the Night fae nightwarrior couple and it worked well in that context.

I can’t stand however is them spend way too much time trying to justify a Gay couple like Flynn and Shaw where they’re entire character is replaced by the fact that they are Gay until that is all they are. It takes up too much of the story that they could use fleshing out the rest of the story.

I also note I hated the short story about lothemar and thylryssa more than terror by torchlight. More so because it was basically came off a cheap romance fanfic and there was nothing else to it.

Get an equal population first then you can have an equal piece

that doesn’t make any sense. There are millions and millions of LGBT people, we deserve to be represented as well as anyone else.

That’s nothing when looking at billions in a population

I mean, even depicting bestial races with homosexual characters wouldn’t be the dumbest idea now. But no, I don’t think Vol’Jin is gay.

That still doesn’t make any sense. You have your countless forms of representation, we have 0 despite being millions upon millions.

Look I get it, you’re insecure about us existing- but the thing you need to realize is that we won’t apologize for existing. Get over it

The problem with that is that he’s currently singing that song of

“I ain’t got no body.”

That and he seems to be evolving towarrds becoming a loa which can have strange effects on your dating life.

I just assume (and pray) that every character I meet is gay and/or trans until proven otherwise. Works for me.

This argument could be applied to so many different sexualities, kinks, and disorders, should we forcefully swap peoples personality traits, or shoe horn in characters just for the sake of representation?

They tried this in shows, in movies, and it fails, every, time.

No, I just don’t care what you are, I don’t care if your straight, don’t care if you’re bi, don’t care if you’re gay.

What I care about, is characters having their personality traits swapped around to shoehorn sexuality in just for representation.

What I care about, is characters who are in a position to have a good role, but instead have their defining character trait be if they like sausage or lasagna, thus making that character completely pointless, wasted potential.

So … what is this thread? Also, holy crap there are so many faces in this topic that I never see post anywhere else on the story forums? Its like this OP is its own little dysfunctional social ecosystem or something!

It most likely got booted from General Discussion.


Can you think of any specific examples for that?

People’s personalities don’t really change between being gay or straight. If everything about his personality stayed the same, but Vol’jin was revealed to be gay, then everything would be fine with you, right?


Just letting you know it 100% did. They seem to do that a lot between these two forums when someone doesn’t want to deal with it haha.


Gestures to Bwonsamdi

Weeell… he’s done it somehow so I don’t see why not lol

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Leave Vol’jin alone.

He’s been through enough.