Is vol'jin gay?

The story forums truly are the Maw of the WoW forums.

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The ending of Stormrage was Tyrande/Malfurion getting married. We had an entire chapter in Wrath of the Lich King about Jaina/Arthas breaking up. We have the first chapter of Illidan talking about how he wanted to hate Tyrande but the moment she freed him that melted away.

The Sunwell Comic of all things had a big focus on Kalec/Aveeana’s romance. Love stories in Warcraft have literally had a huge role since at least Burning Crusade(not the only important role but a big one).


LMFAO he’s not written out of lore

He’s literally being set up to return as the Loa of Kings.


Well, since the Loa of Kings is more of a position and title, and Bwon still holds both. Its possible that Jin could pick up Rezan’s original apparent title of “The Loa of the Hunt”. As outside of Kings, he’s only ever been referred to as the God of the Hunt as well. And Jin was an apex Shadow Hunter, and his last words were “going on a new hunt” before going into the pod.


Off the top of my head, Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Poor Oz.)

I mean, it’s arguable as to whether it “failed” or not because people loved it but MOST of us felt it was contrived and just pandering to fetishists who wanted to see “hot girl-on-girl” in a crappy teen sitcom.

To all these missionaries trying to “expose homophobia”.

I think one of the reasons that people tend to be annoyed by these kinds of threads is that “give me representation” is not compelling or interesting to a lot of people. Or really “give me ______, after all I deserve this, and am entitled to it.” without giving strong reasoning, or saying why it would be cool. Then, once you tag on the “oh, yeah, btw if you don’t agree then you are bigoted” crap, then you are done, because nobody wants to hear that.
Vol’jin being gay… I’m not sure why that would be interesting. If Anduin and Baine were gay (which they’re not) but if they were- that would seem dramatic, whether they were actually romantically involved or not, people would make that speculation and it would have story implications that go beyond just “Baine and Anduin are gay”.
“But we don’t need a reason to be gay!!!”
That’s true, but if you’re going to come on Story Forum acting all entitled, talking about “my idea should be front and center. I deserve it” then people are going to call you out on that. You’re just going to end up pissing people off that might otherwise get behind your idea if it was worth a damn.


This forum is wild, I say if you want representation then keep enjoying all the new characters that are being made to represent that community. But no you want a racial leader, yet choose Vol’jin who is at this point. . . Not a racial leader.

To be fair, from my understanding this thread was originally on GD. It seems to be another wonderous gift from our moderator, Steve the Intern.

I’m on to you, Steve.


vol’jin said gay rights

Ok so Blizzard once again throwed here a thread that for brown points couldn’t be deleted.

Man I feel angry when people wants x character to become tokenism at “insert group” which is the worst thing a company can do, shovel everything by force.


Vol’jin will be the first gay loa AND dinosaur.


Love that journey for him!

Ok, sorry! This thread should die since it was banished here against the Story Forums will. No more bumping from me :slight_smile:

When? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No he’s not. That’s another one.

He is attracted to women at the very least. He briefly considers sleeping with a Zandalari women in Shadows of the Horde before deciding against it.

This doesn’t preclude him from being attracted to men, though to my knowledge there is no direct allusions to this in the lore. But yeah, he’s not exclusively gay.

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435 replies

Im sorry, I just know he has a ton of kids. I always thought Rokkhan was; Thats my bad.

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Hey look another talonel troll post. No vol’jin isn’t gay, he’s never been gay and will never be gay. Just because a character hasn’t shown any romantic interests in another person does not make them gay. Its obviously a hard concept to fathom but vol’jin has more important issues to deal with like learning how to use his new loa powers. No one cares whether or not he’s bumping uglies with someone or not. That’s not the focus of his story nor will it be. Keep your politics to yourself.

Not to mention the implication that if a character hasn’t shown any romantic interests in another person it making them gay ALSO invalidates Aromantics and Asexuals.

Just because someone doesn’t Match YOUR idea of what a Straight person is doesn’t mean he must fall into a Different stereotype… again, defined by YOU…

(Emphasis is mine)

That doesn’t sound like a failure at all. Hell, the reason I went back and watched Buffy (as someone who was too young to watch the show when it was on air) was because of Willow.

I don’t know if you would understand, but for a lot of LGBT people, any amount of representation is enough to get them to watch a given piece of media. Even if it’s just vague hints, or the story sucks, or the relationship is terrible. That’s how slim the pickings can feel.

Dear lord, queerbaiting wouldn’t be nearly as popular as it is/was if it wasn’t effective for drawing in a big fanbase.

I don’t understand the logic behind the “shoving down our throats” complaint. If there was a gay character introduced in WoW, what criteria would that character need to meet for you to be okay with them?

I feel like most of the time when people say this, what they’re actually saying is just “I’d rather it not be included at all”.

Trust me dude, I wish being gay wasn’t considered political.

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