Is vol'jin gay?

I feel like this thread got moved here from General Discussion, or something.
Why is this here? Vol’jin’s preferences, be they straight or bi (based on the fact that he had at least one female mate with which to have a son), are utterly irrelevant to his story as it stands.

“Hey, you were lied to and inadvertently caused a horrible catastrophe by placing a lunatic in the seat of power, died, and now you’ve been infused with the power of a god that may allow you to come back from the dead. But let’s put all that on the backburner to hear about whose uglies you like to bump.


Honestly I don’t know, I logged onto my Frostmourne toon one day and it was just all about KFC.

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It’s not “arbitrary.” There’s a difference between well written character development and added in at the last moment with no development. Any good author knows this.

Vol’jin is dead. And he had a wife and kid. This entire thread is pointless.

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What about after his rebirth?

LOL grasping at straws and still ignoring his wife and family, just so you can completely change a character for no reason. :rofl::roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4:

I’m done with your nonsense. It’s poor crap like this thread that ruins good writing.

And how does making him bi change anything about his character? You know having a wife and kids doesn’t necessarily make you straight?

Show me in the writing where it establishes that Vol’jin is not bi. I don’t even care if he is or not I’m just morbidly curious how you’re going to weasel out of this.


Indeed. Hearken, to me, Gnome:

Vol’jin is. . . deep breath everyone. . . Not a racial leader anymore, he is dead and Rokhan is the darkspear racial leader now. At best Vol’jin will be a loa eventually, at worst he will never be talked about again since he’s in a pod.


You have before, I seen it. And at something I said before, too. :wink:

Just simmer down now, bro. You’ll be fine.

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Shoehorning in Vol’jin’s sexuality just makes it sound like some really bad twilight fanfic. It also changes nothing concerning his storyline, he’s still in a pod awaiting rebirth.

If you want to imagine that Vol’jin was licking at Varian’s ear on the broken shores, then go for it, bruh. Just don’t push what you think should exist upon everyone else.


If he has never said otherwise how is it shoehorning?

You guys have really got to stop giving people making troll threads because they’re bored at work free entertainment.

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No Rhielle has a point.

Why does a characters sexual preference have to be so important to the story even when it is not relevant?

Got ratio’d off twitter.

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Is it gay if you stare at another troll’s tusk when you’re in the community shower? You know, to compare.

His short story, the spirits offered a vision of him surrounded by women with a small, gold chain around his ankle to a throne… I believe? And he was tempted by it.

And in Classic, there was this issue with him having at least one child. So. No.


Why are people flagging my OP? Asking for LGBT representation in this game isn’t a bannable offense :man_facepalming:t6:

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im a homophobe because sexuality doesnt matter in a video game? yikes lol

Good lord.

While I do agree that some of the responses here are abrasive, crying homophobia over every response that doesn’t agree doesn’t really bode well for your argument. I agree that LGBT representation in this game is important, and so far, Shadowlands has made a lot of good steps in the right direction.

But this… your behavior in this thread… this ain’t it, dude.


You make it sound like shipping people is exclusive to lgbt, lets not forget people ship Anduin with Jaina of all people.