Is vol'jin gay?

“Representation” for the sake of it is STUPID, and it’s bad writing. I fully agree that gay people shouldn’t be demonized or anything…if someone is gay, that’s fine. But WOW is not a soap opera, and the plot is not about interpersonal relationships…we don’t need to “make someone gay” just so they can have their entire character be “I’m gay” for the sake of “representation”. It’s bad writing.

Making a character whose entire arc is “I’m gay” with no other characteristics should be insulting to gay people, it’s tokenism and that’s a very bad thing. That’s what they did with that Batwoman show. There was ZERO depth to the character…the entire character was literally “I’m gay”. This is a character that was already gay in canon…if they had actually had a well written character, it would’ve been fine. But nope, they went with tokenism.

It’s not that he’s gay…it’s just that no one is good enough for him xD

He isn’t a good candidate.

He is dead. His story is going to slow to a crawl. He is no longer a racial leader.

There are other better candidates you are choosing to ignore because you want the troll fantasy in your head to be made an official part of the story.

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He’ll either come back as either Rez’jin or Volzan de new loa of da kings

Better question is .

Why does every character need to be gay , trans or whatever now?

It’s fine they added in some for people but it is really getting to the point where some people are kind of going let’s make every toon like that .

I see what you did there

My god the amount of red background homophobes is unreal.

Not doing a good job for the stereotypes guys… :unamused:

My first thought as I read the OP -

“Wow - 300 posts in one day on the Story Forum? What’s all this, then?”

It must have been moved from GD or WET.

But, yeah - Voljin was Married… with Children. He was the Horde’s Al Bundy.

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No, he has a canonical, if unnamed, female love interest, plus multiple children. There are other racial leaders (particularly the newer ones) whose preferences are completely unknown. They would be better candidates.

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I dub her “Peggy’jin.” Because I called Voljin Al.

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I am really not against any character being fleshed out. If there is a character with some blank spaces that Blizzard wants to fill out, great. I just don’t really like the idea of representation for representation sake. It feels to much like tokenism. I am nonbinary, but if Blizzard flippantly picked out a character to also be nonbinay, idk why, I would most likely feel demeaned, like they were wiggling a cat toy infront of my face.

Maybe I am looking at it the wrong way. Maybe that perspective is just the result of so much corporate kowtowing to psudo-social justice and political correctness happening these days. Left a bad taste in my mouth maybe.

Granted, I did like how Blizzard made Shaw and Flynn a thing. Maybe that is because there felt like there was chemistry there, it worked narratively already. There really is no other character to pair Vol’jinn with that would make sense, or at least there is no other character that wouldn’t feel like it is coming out of left field.

What I want is good, well-written characters that are rounded and feel real. What I don’t want is another J.K. Rowling retroactively slapping labels on characters for virtue points on social media.

Edit: Also, I think it is a bit problematic to view any and all Male to Male companionship and comradery as inherently homosexual. Which I think is a valid criticism of the Flynn and Shaw situation. I still enjoy them as a couple though. Just worth keeping in mind. Two men, or two women genuinly caring for each other doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic. Not that anyone here was saying that.

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Stories are nothing but tropes, you probably find many other tropes palatable ( you play a wood elf for example). Not sure why people wanting tropes they like in a story is pressing for you?

Not that I care either way but this does not in anyway exclude Vol’jin from having a romance with a male.

You’re right. But considering there has never been the slightest hint of him having any interest in males for as long as he has existed, it does mean that he doesn’t really fit the definition of a good candidate. Not when we have other racial leaders whose characteristics are still being established.

Wasn’t he crushing on the Zandalari chick from Shadows of the Horde?

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Already answered this. And it has nothing to do with my personal preference.

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Yeah because that immediately means you gotta be gay. You’re either a horndog for women, or gay. No other settings exist in this world. No other sexualities too. To hell with everything except gay and straight.

I am sightly upset.


How could it not be personal preference? For everyone who thinks it is forced and pandering there is almost assuredly a person who loves and wants more of it.

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Because the writing and story set up and character development are more important than what their sexual preference is. I could care less if someone was into something I’m not. If it’s written poorly or shoehorned in, it’s bad. If it’s written well and the character is developed well in that direction, it’s good.

And if you’d actually read my posts, you’d know this and I wouldn’t have to repeat myself.

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“Shoehorned in” is an ill defined term that has a different meaning from person to person.

People say Pelagos is forced but how true this is depends on the mileage of each player.

Basically what I’m trying to say is your metric of forced is arbitrary. There is no concrete reason beyond “I don’t like it” to not make Vol’jin gay.

It’s okay if you don’t want him to be in a romance by the way; but there is no deep reason beyond you not wanting him to be.