Is vol'jin gay?

How about no?
keep your political crap out of videogames.
Stop making your sexuality part of your personality and stop living around it.

Since when is a person’s sexuality political?

Hmmmm I think this comment exposes your belief a fair bit.

I don’t even know you. lol

And the OP didn’t get to me at all. I made a blunt reply. I wasn’t upset. Why would I get upset on a video game forum? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Many of us have seen far too many " Hah hah! I’ve been playing the long con along" troll posts before.
The forums have had plenty on the old forums before and similar posts on the new ones and years later a sudden necro from their creator simple.“lol fooled you! You all where all this, and all like that! You all are toolslolololpl.”

So yeah until proven other wise, long con along is what many will see it as.

This thread is at least sane compared to another one… that OP went fully off the rails, FULL. TILT. INSANE.

The type of insane where Blizzard may actually have to contact the authorities to do a wellness check.

Which one? LOL

I always assume people are trolling until they prove otherwise. It’s my cynical suspicious nature.

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After a few replies… it… get’s funny.



antifa and george floyd

it is on my server 24/7 join it get happy i guess. this is a video game with millions playing you be better off going out irl where billions are. this is a fantasy video game that has nothing to do with real life and its issues yet everyone from politics to sexuality just constantly try to shove real life issues in a dang video game, i play to escape real life problems not be brought to me in a video game to.

Othat… HAHA I wasn’t sure if we were talking about that one or the “African American community supports Blizz, so Blizz needs to support them and give them $1 subs during COVID” thread.

no you0re just jealous ofm e

Oh I missed that… I’d love to have been in that one… sounds like a Stolen Valor claim to me.

Lions do not concern themselves with the feelings of the sheep.

In Vol’jin: Shadows of the Horde Tyrathan Khort asks him about writing to someone, and Vol’jin says something like “… she will understand”. Not a quote, but I don’t think he ever names who she is.

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Why delve further into a dead character’s backstory? Even if they made him gay, they at most would do what? Add a cheeky comment from rohkan about Voljin’s dating history? Homoerotic ghost stories with Voljin’s spirit?

Why not focus on less developed characters with the arbitrary requirement of be a racial leader. Calia menithil seems pretty tight with Lillian Voss. Maybe they can be lesbians. Magic undead lesbians.

Why is it every time a character isn’t currently railing somebody out, people keep popping up yelling “oH mY gOd He MuSt Be GaY”.

Pointlessly crude comment.

All I’m saying is he could be a good candidate if they decided to explore LGBT representation on a major racial leader.

That logic could be applied to more then half the NPCs in the game.

We don’t want our representation to be relegated to obscure profession characters in the background.

We want an equal piece of the pie with just ONE primary racial leader.