Is vol'jin gay?

Not every character needs to be in a relationship.

Not every character needs to be part of representation.

How stupid would this game be if every character had to have one or more romantic partners that also happened to be named NPC’s?


This bugged me so much. I love both characters and I feel like they were just used and thrown out to check a box on a list. “Okay, we have a gay couple! What’s next on the list?

More annoying, the ENTIRE story between them, which was so hyped, happened in a book outside the game. :woman_shrugging: Annoying…

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Go suck a cat.

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Pointless comment. Reported for trolling. Grow up.

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because one is just for player convenience, one is lore.

It’s no different than us traveling around azeroth… it takes us mere minutes to travel from stormwind to the southshore for example, but lorewise it takes weeks as noted in lore such as the time noted for the stormwind army to travel to southshore.

Same goes traveling from darkshore to silithus… the nightelf army to travel from darkshore to feralas, took them weeks, which is why sylvanas and the horde were able to overrun the night elves and burn Teldrassil as the majority of the night elf army was down in feralas and silithus and it took over a week for the message calling back the troops for help but by then it was far too late

I don’t think dead people are gay. They’re like not actually anything anymore.

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Do you talk to your therapist about wanting representation in a 16 year old game? If not, I’d try starting.

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You need to just get a grip and get over the fact that gay people exist, and have the right to exist.

So the two gay deers weren’t enough for you lmao.

You need to get a grip and get over the fact that nobody cares what you are. Go love a coconut for all we care.


Why. Does. It. MATTER?


So hostile because I simply asked for an equal part of representation what you people have had your entire lives. Entitled and pathetic.

Cool! :slight_smile: Good for them.

Too bad this is a video game and I don’t think almost anyone who plays this game really plays this game to see certain groups in the game that exist in real life.

It is a fantasy MMORPG video game… we don’t need politics and personal beliefs and interests being added in here.

If you want to promote that stuff, then good for you. Do it outside of WoW and outside of video games.

I’d say you’re the pathetic one for finding offense where there is none. There’s very few actual romances in this game that are directly in line with the story…go fawn over the 2 deer.


That is why I’m hoping Anduin just keeps trucking along and stays on the path he’s chosen. The whole defining characters based on relationships shtick got old with Aggra and Thrall. Last thing I need to see is more “Go’el! Go’el! GO’EL?! GO’EL GO’EL GO’EL GO’EL!!!1111oneoneoneleventyone” treatment of yet another character.

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Rastakhan x Bwonsamdi is where it’s at

On another note, I kinda want Blizzard to add in a character who has Autisim or something similar. Overwatch got one, why not WoW? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m ashamed of you people. this was bait coated bait with neon signs with an arrow pointing down that said “bait”.

If y’all stop biting they’ll eventually stop.

You brush me off, but let this troll get to you? C’mon.

This is a troll thread. Just report it and move on. What one person on a video game board says shouldn’t affect anyone like that…as they are hiding behind a fabricated persona.

It’s a troll thread because you say it is?

All i’m asking for is LGBT representation in the front spotlight for once.

You can report it but i’m not breaking any rules, as you can see the mods have rightfully removed the flags on my OP.

You don’t feel like this expansion has put a spotlight on it in several places? I don’t think you’re trolling. But the largest reason for pushback you see here isn’t that people are homophobes. It’s the “for once”. Because it’s happened over and over (and should, and that’s fine).

But people like you pretend it’s never happened, and that there’s this huge angry mob of people who hate LGBT+, when that’s simply not the case. Not even close.

Asking to retcon a fan-favorite character with a family to be gay at a time when his only concern would be the destruction of all afterlives, and possibly all realities makes you appear out of touch, and myopic.

And, of course, you go right to the playbook and demonize any opposition as being phobic, or an ist.

To those thinking this is a troll…sadly I don’t think so. Look at their posting history. If they are a troll that’s some deep commitment.

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