Is vol'jin gay?

Yup, must be gay. Math checks out.

This is a weird extrapolation you’re making.

I didn’t imply that, I simply said it doesn’t exist as a contradiction, and therefore there is room for the developers to give him that character growth.

A unashamed gay Loa troll god, who is a racial leader for players to identify with would be fantastic representation.

Stop gaslighting.

why is this post still up?

Maybe he’s not interested in a romantic relationship? :man_shrugging:

He’s a strong independent man. Why he gotta depend on a love interest? A man can’t be strong and powerful unless he’s in a committed relationship? yass king :crown:

She sounds like my aunt who smoked 4 packs of no filter Pall Malls a day.

As far as “much needed representation”, stop with the agendas. Just enjoy playing the game for crying out loud.

They cave to your agenda they are going to cave to agendas you find to be horrible.

This should be an escape from the real world.


This is probably the most entitled post I’ve seen on this forum… WE DESERVE MORE! Give me a break no one “deserves” anything you get what you get thats life

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Vol’jin x Bwonsamdi y’all!

So, why is it our business to care? Why do you care that you need a Racial Leader has to be gay? I get it, you want voices to be heard but this isn’t the place, neither the game to advocate. Go elsewhere, this particular part of the internet isn’t the place for it. Its easier to get attention on Reddit or Twitter. Its a game, not a political stance, we’re trying to have fun and enjoy something. Just leave things vague and enjoy as it is, if possible.

Sure, if you want him to be. It hasn’t been addressed in game so it’s up to you. That’s part of the idea of fantasy, can be whatever you want. Don’t we upset though if in a few expansions he gets a girl (or boy) friend. Though I expect him to ghost them.

Wasn’t there a gay argent crusader couple in Dalaran somewhere back in WotLK too? At one of the taverns / inns?

Have you seen him make romantic gestures at any male characters?

Ah, you’re one of THOSE people, huh? More unnecessary advocation in a video game with a purpose to have fun, nope, we need representation instead.

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Because it doesn’t break any rules. Just because you’re a homophobe and feel slighted by us requesting more representation doesn’t make it bannable.

As you can see the mods have rightfully removed the flags on my OP.

Your OP is titled “Is Vol’jin gay?” and then you immediately jump into pointing out that he hasn’t taken any romantic interest towards any female characters which seems to be the basis for asking your question (even though he has kids which would imply he’s done the deed).

Really not gaslighting. At best I took advantage of your poorly worded your thread, but at worst you’re using a lack of female romance as your basis for questioning his sexuality.

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Hmm. So using the OP’s logic… In a game that is centered around near endless faction wars, roving bandits and murderous third factions always left unchecked tormenting others and world ending conflicts every two years.
I should be offended that there are no disabled NPCs and especially more so should be directed at the OP who has the nerve to only and solely ask for relationship / love life representation and not world expanding inclusions that would bring depth to others as well.

Such as a pair using sign language and translating to another npc.
Amputees and paralysis stricken npcs using alternative means to move, etc.

I fully support the inclusion and further representation of marginalized groups. Disabled people more than deserve representation in all forms of media, including games like this one

He’s ashexual.

They burned his body.

Most characters in WoW have not shown any romantic interest cause you know…World of WARcraft, not World of LoveCraft like you want it to be. Wrong game for romance.

EDIT: Vol’jin actually has a son who could be found ingame.

So Vol’jin had a wife and kids at one point, confirmed.


Now I want to see a paralyzed below the waist caster with permanent Levitate spell on them.