Is vol'jin gay?

I still can’t find this Tweet. I found a Wowhead tweet, but it doesn’t link to anything Blizz themselves said. I’ll keep looking.

Even though that argument often is just poorly veiled homophobia, they’re right here. Vol’jin is dead. Dead.

Including characters that represent a broader variety of people than just white dudes is obviously good for and even critical to the continued improvement and survival of the game. But he’s dead. As in, he died, because he was stabbed horribly with a fel weapon. If we’re wondering if an existing character might be a good choice for broader representation, maybe let’s start with one that is alive and has a future in the game.

Also, the most homophobic thing in this thread so far is your reasoning: “we haven’t seen him explicitly state his interest in a woman, so he must be gay.”

Can you drop it? Really, nobody wants to hear about is this guy this or that guy that?

Ok, yep, this whole post is a troll thread. Sigh

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How? Be because YOU say it is??

Get out of it, idk who the hell you think you are lol

What did I just read


I don’t care if someone is straight or gay, but whenever a character in popular fiction is gay these days, everything about them devolves into about how they’re gay. I would rather an interesting character instead of one that just screeches, “I’m so gay!” 24/7.


Taliesin is that you? What are you doing on the US forums? Shouldn’t you be losing your s**t on your stream instead? This isn’t a liberal arts program.

You don’t feel bad about being born gay. I don’t feel bad about being born gay. Should I feel bad because I was also born white? Your bias is showing.


I don’t know he seems kind of somber to me.

contrary to popular belief not showing intrest in women doesnt make you gay… maybe he just isnt interested in romance or any of that stuff?


I wouldn’t care if it was relevant to a story-line in some way, but to highlight a characters sexuality for the sake of it, is dumb and a token move to placate snowflakes.


It’s very odd that all these posts are so fanatical about sexuality, is your life so boring you can only get off fantisizing about a video game character’s sexual preference?


When did an absence of obvious female attraction make a male attraction that much more reasonable?

The boys at RLM call this a case of the “not gays”.

I suppose he had a bit of a bromance with Garrosh

Why do you people always care so much about who the hell is gay or not?
You guys are obsessed with this nonsense. Just play the game and read some fanfics if you care so hard about a troll being gay.


Ok I have some toons on Frostmourne and I have seen trade chat spammed with KFC and zingers talk, WTH joke am I not getting here? Why is Frostmourne associated with and always discussing KFC and zingers? :joy:

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Rokkhan is his son. So he had a partner at one point, and she died. Or left. So perhaps he just never had the chance given all the bs we’ve been through?

No. He is ascending to loa status, due to rezan giving his essence to him. So he is likely going to become “The Loa Of kings 2.0”

It’s weird that they say this and then give Night Fae players a garden where they can help spirits do it in 3 days.

I do recall he has kids and that he said something like “She will understand” so he had a partner.

Vol’jin’s son is Yenniku.