Is vol'jin gay?

he isnt , a lack of active interest in female characters doesnt make him gay, it makes him an incel

I mean, there is nothing in-game that would suggest that he is romantically attracted to another male troll in general.

Hes got a shrunken head, he just got outta dee pool

no he ain’t he tells me everytime i see him that my butt is so fine.

Wow barely has romance. Barely. It’s absolutely the bottom of the barrel, least important aspect of the game. So throwing out an LBGTQ relationship for the sake of inclusivity, when most people had no opinion, or cared what proclivity a character expressed at all, always comes across as clumsy virtue-signaling. And that’s definitely something we don’t need more of, anywhere, ever.

While I respect your opinion, many players including myself would like to see more relationships play out including lgbt. You’re free to ignore them. They have no real affect on your gameplay. I enjoy the relationships because it makes me feel more attached to the characters. More is always better imo. :man_shrugging:

Their absence, or the ambiguity with which fictional characters romantic proclivities are presented, don’t effect your gameplay either, and yet here you are. There is room for any interpretation of what a character’s romantic inclinations are, and yet you’re demanding they be set in stone, to your liking. I don’t get to ignore them when they’re written into the story, instead of being left open to anyone’s interpretation.

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Society as a whole now accepts the LGBT community. But now that they’ve achieved the acceptance they want, they feel the need to remain attention seeking and play victim cards when every character on TV and video games is straight. Nobody cares if a character is gay or straight.

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Asexuals deserve representation, too.

People like OP are half the reason why hate still exists and will always exist. Calling out “blonde straight white males” and blaming all their short comings on them and refusing to acknowledge that as a form of racism.

Like dude, you’re not denied anything in this life. That’s what the civil rights movement created. You have all the opportunities that everyone else has despite not being born with privilege. Nothing and no one is keeping you from becoming a success except you and your choices.

As for systemic racism and oppression, that is NEVER going to go away. There is always going to be hate in people. The only defense against that is to have a thick skin and prevent bigoted people from affecting you. You wanna put and end to systemic racism, then it begins in your home. Raise your kids right and hopefully future generations won’t be as ignorant as the majority is today.

Stop using the decedents of bigots as a scapegoat ffs. You’re only adding fuel to the fire.


DOesnt matter. This game isnt about dating or an agenda. Its about killing things so your side wins in the battle.

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Yep, his private life is something we’ve never seen, and it’s hard to change his story now that he’s dead.

bet you they just wanna draw lewd art of him and they want to know where it stands.


… what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

D’awww :two_hearts: Thanks!

I saw some devs Twitter post linked in one of the many troll threads about it.

I dunno if the hordes surrogate and artificial insemination programs are as advanced as say, the ones you would use.

And lets be real they suck at adoptions also. I mean we all do the childrens week quests every year…

I feel like there has to be a magical way of doing it there…:eyes:

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People are so weird.
Stop trying so hard to shove your sexuality down our throats.
noones cares.


I’ve only seen where they said they were changing pronouns for him, and explained that the afterlife is where they can choose to be whatever they want. I haven’t seen a Dev specifically “yes he’s trans.”

Next thing you know, because souls in Ardenweald choose their shape, we’ll see people yelling “they’re representing the furry community!”

I’m not belittling what people choose to believe or want. But the afterlife is where you get to choose how your soul is represented to others. To me, saying a dead person is now trans, because their soul looks the way they want it to, doesn’t set a good precedent. It’s like telling people they can only be who they want to be after they’re dead. That’s not a good message to send. Which is why I choose to believe Blizz didn’t go that route and simply stuck with mythology on the afterlife.

It doesn’t matter if Vol’jin is gay or not, it simply does not matter. Nobody cares

I didn’t know anything about pelagos at all until I opened the thread. I agree with what you’re saying and also find it problematic but that’s what the Twitter thing said.