Is vol'jin gay?

it isnt projecting, it’s her actual reactions and the npcs hatred of bob salami during the questlines. The winterqueen is annoyed of the dude during the entirety questline anytime he tries to talk to her all the way to the end, regardless of him helping, she still treats him like he’s unwelcomed trash. Even when he’s standing outside of the covenant there was a little RP event where even the guards let him know clearly he is unwanted trash.

He has kids. Most likely not gay.

I haven’t been on the forums long but you are by far one of my favorite posters so far.

Reading through this thread has really straightened me out guys!

Straight characters do not have personal relationships in Warcraft, so of course having non-straight folks is an affront to my fantasy game. We already have to tolerate the gays irl don’t make us do it here also. spits out dip

if vol’jin was gay who would he be dating in-game? That is, before he died lol.

You naughty naughty dog

The… RP that he is? Do whatever you want. The characters are opened ended enough where you can pretty much make them what you will.

Neither has Mekkatorque. Does that mean he is also? How about all the other characters without any “romantic” involvement? Are you really this narrow minded?

Not being in a relationship doesn’t mean someone is gay even when the dude is surrounded by girls, he can always have affair on the side while focusing on what he believe is the most important in this case his tribe/clan or The Horde.

Garrosh didn’t have any wife and that doesn’t make him gay, so did Varian for MANY years after losing his first wife.

Not every character need to be sexualize and or ship with someone.

That’s just admitting your taste is just as bad as your mog.

I’m definitely not as shrill about pointless pandering as you are.

Lack of romantic partner does not mean gay.

Interesting. I didn’t know this.

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Vol’jin being fabulized all of a sudden (post mortem no less) would be incredibly forced, tacky, and trite.

And that’s pretty in-line with the rest of Blizzard’s writing so it’s hard to argue against it.

That’s because for the most part the individual stories for each character doesn’t focus on romantic relationships.

And now I’m 100% sure the OP is a troll.

Wait, you dont have enough already?

I guess the 3 or 4 posts a day about LGBT aren’t enough.

This kinda garbage is why we have characters in movies suddenly turning into horndogs that won’t shut up about chasing tail. It happened in the most recent Star Wars with that fancy pilot guy becuase Disney was scared that people would think Poe is gay after he was nice to Fin that one time and didn’t tell random woman how much he wants to sex them.

It wont. Sexual preference and romance has always been back-burner in WoW. Why the hell does it matter what a fictional character’s fictional sexuality is? If you want Anduin to be as gay as the day is long, then so be it! He’s gay, to you, in your experience of the game. To me, he isn’t. Or, maybe he has no stated preference either way, because I really don’t give a crap about what Anduin does beyond the main story line. I don’t get the need to turn this into a soap opera.

100% agree I vote for him and anduin to marry in order to end the war

Okay that’s great. You can have your opinion on the matter but there’s plenty of others who want to see relationships develop through character interactions. WoW has plenty romances and more are being written as the story chuggs along. I don’t get the need for others to be up in arms about relationships, especially those of lgbt.