Is vol'jin gay?

Hey, you can get that in newer bioware games too. Wait is Greedfall a bioware game? I cant remember.

the problem with newer bioware games is everyone is ugly
greedfall is not a bioware game

so if he doesnt bother with the company of one he has to be interested in the other?
Some folks are just about the work. Some dont waste their time with relationships.

Very true. Cant believe they did my girl Morgana like that in Inquisition.

Dude is all about business; he got no time for that nonsense. Plus he’s pretty dead. Who knows when he’ll be reincarnated.

Sure, I can’t wait to play ME Andromeda xDD, but I’ll have to pass, thx.

Hey its romance. I never said it was quality.

I was typing out a long post to show agreement, but I think i’ll just abstain and say :+1: :+1:

Nah… I think wed cringe at ANY partnership was saying that.

To be fair, most characters (at least in game) don’t really express romance/sexuality. That stuff tends to get relegated to obscure lore or barely mentioned at all. Like Jaina/Kalec were (are?) a thing, but you’d barely know it.

More Wraithion story lines?

No, you don’t.

Just because someone doesn’t behave like a stereotypical horndog and hit on every opposite sex NPC they see doesn’t mean they’re gay. Maybe gasp that kind of relationship just isn’t a priority for him, and while it could happen if the right person comes along, it’s not something he’ll go looking for.

I’ve seen this garbage in too many places. Female character can’t stand annoying male character who has no concept of personal space and does nothing but hit on her in a very condescending way, doesn’t want to be near him, shoves him away, and makes excuses to leave. Fanbase: OMG SHE MUST BE GAY. Could it be…she just can’t stand that one guy? Nah, couldn’t be.

Doing the horizontal hula is not the main priority in life for quite a lot of people. Shocking I know.

This guy gets it.

I think he’s Bi personally

Yes, because the lack of that automatically means you are gay :roll_eyes:

Honestly, there is little to no reason to add that into this game. Gay, straight, or otherwise.

Before you jump down my throat, I am an Ace. Why isn’t Vol’jin that? Why isn’t anything ever identified as that? Cry me a river everyone else who is over representative in every form of media… :face_with_monocle:

Also, you are more or less demanding that blizzard pander to you. Do you really want that? I myself would find pandering to my group a damn insult.

what the hell.

says the racist.


Most of the people with the most screen time are green or have fur though so idk what they’re talking about :rofl:

The blind racism is strong in this one.


“pick me! Pick me guys I’m not like the others!”
