Is vol'jin gay?

being a female belf pally means you’re a straight male irl, obv. 0.o

Total squee from me if he is, but it’s all in all irrelevant. I do love me some trolls though. Voljin and Bwonsamdi are da best mon

I don’t think it means anything, because I play a female blood elf warrior, a female blood elf hunter, a female troll priest, a female troll druid, a female troll shammy, a female blood elf mage, a female blood elf rogue and a female blood elf DK.

I don’t think it means anything at all other than I like the way female blood elves and trolls look and I enjoy playing as them in an RPG setting.

Anything beyond that is a blatant stretch being used to push an agenda, because I never expressed any reason behind my choices aside from visual appearances and that I “enjoy playing as them in an RPG setting”.

edit: Also I’m not going off on u I know you were sarcastic, just going off on the thread.

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It’s really not necessary to identify every single character’ sexuality in wow.

Let there be some mystery and opportunities to uses ones imagination.

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Hell hath no fury like a blood elf scorned.

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LOL, i can’t stop laughing. Moving along now.

I’m a straight female and I have had a male undead charter for some time.
What does that make me since you are passing out labels.?

it’s obvious sarcasm. even the person i responded to saw that. it’s just forum bs. i am female and mostly play male orcs and tauren.

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Alright then

There are some people that have so little of a life that they had to make something up to give them something. Literally if you took it away they’d be a blank piece of drywall, that’s how much character these people have.

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it’s no different than the people who get all their self worth from their parses/io. and there’s FAR more of them on the forums.

I can count on my fingers the characters that did.

Much need representation? There is literally a gay couple in the middle of the Night Fae hall. There are lots of transgender Kirians. Wow does not go into romance and have very few cannon heterosexual couples.

Me neither.

You have many spotlights already

Oh so it needs to be specifically a racial leader…

I just think it’s weird like, romantic pursuits, sexual pursuits, maybe that’s not part of vol’jinn’s priority even remotely? There is so much more to life, and you have to engage in a “system” in order to actually find a partner to begin with.

Why should vol’jinn or anyone feel obligated to care about engaging in that system? Why would anyone ever make an assessment of someone’s sexuality based on their inactivity in that part of life?

I think the worrying part of this thread is the implication that hidden sexuality = homosexuality.

I know it’s just a troll thread, but meh. You can’t let trolls have their way uncontested.

I’m gay and i share the same sentiment. I’m tired of people asking what sexuality every single character is. It’s not important. Let characters be impressive without it having to do with their sexual orientation.


Well yes…some LGBT folks act like their entire life revolves around their sexuality and beyond that they have nothing.


No, he’s dead.

do you think the same of people who mention their wives and children in passing as well?

Yes if they do it excessively.

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Even those of us not straight want you in the back row.


wow is about war and world. not romance if you want that in your face go play old bioware games

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