Is too many alts bad

Look at it this way words from Ion’s mouth, he just don’t get why people play alts lol.

There’s no such thing as too many alts. You play how you want to play. Ignore those disrespectful players who try to tell people they’ve got mental problems for having what they deem “too many characters.”

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Not a true statement.

The less time you have, the less you get accomplished in the game.

If you’ve got spare time, play 'em. You’re paying the same subscription price and you might as well see what other classes have to offer.


Alts = time.

Thus alts = getting less accomplished.

So my statement was true, you even admit as much.

Let’s face it, I don’t know many Mythic raiders or Gladiators with 50+ alts that they actively play.

A lot of stuff basically requires alts to be farmed because of ridiculously low drop rates / lockouts so I always have a few maxed out chars. The more the better…

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Alts only become a problem when you reach a point where you start setting yourself unrealistic goals for them and burn yourself out … which can happen.

Actually bud, as of next week its getting them to 50 :slight_smile:

I’ve had the most alts I’ve ever had in BFA (20 at level 120) and it’s been one of the least enjoyable expansions I’ve played. Mostly due to the systems on top of systems but also I had no focus.

I’m not taking near as many alts into SL.

If you’re enjoying your time playing then no, definitely not a bad thing.

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Yeah, pretty much this.

Definetly not a bad thing if you’re having fun. The key is variety. Ive played from 2006 up to Legion/Warlords with basically 1 char and had a very good time. Legion class halls made me altholic and today, thanks also to allied races and heritage sets I have 28 total, most at max level, and still having a great time, as it fits my casual playstyle and goals. Have basically every class and race except for Pandaren. With so many new customizations coming next week, it wont be long until I reach the cap. Cant wait to spend hours at the creation screen or barbershop!

I have 30 max level, 2 of every class and 3 and 4 of a couple. If it fun for you it’s not to many.

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More then a dozen accounts here.
Most max level some at specific levels for other reasons.

Only thing I haven’t tried yet is multiboxing

Have had one of every class max level since burning crusade. Thats when the addiction started.

I have 2 accounts and just finished leveling #35 and #36 to level 120.
One got me the Kul Tiran armor and the other the Worgen armor.
I play 2 at a time and it is a blast.

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There have always been people who claim that the present expansion is “alt-friendly” because after leveling them up you can slap transmog on them and never log into them again.

That definition doesn’t work for me.

For me, it is alt friendly in that I can send a bunch of Benthic gear to a new 120 and then use world quests to quickly get to about 420, especially doing the quests to get the cloak to level 1 for the high gear score as well as being able to cleanse corrupted gear. I have 18 120s around 450 gear score without any group activities such as dungeons, raids, PvP and so on.

It’s very bad because it’s addictive and ends up taking up way too much time.

You have to run a vision to start getting corrupted mementos. It takes time to get a character up to 450 without doing any group content, time which has run out.

I have alts because I want to do something specific with them. I consider that “playing”. I considered it “playing them” when I ran 50 characters through mythic Return to Karazhan for 3 weeks to get Midnight. Some of them were 110 carries.

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Actually, no you don’t. We get 100 of them after completing the cloak quest chain ending with repulsing the attack on the heart forge. That’s been more than enough to keep me going for months. Since I don’t do visions I don’t need to spend on talents and more of those potions to start a vision. I’ve done this more than a dozen times now. Ugh.

In my case, I tend to over-gear characters as I’m not a great player and I may need 440 in a fight a good player can do at 420. That said, as long as you are having fun that’s all that really matters.

Will there still be rested exp once SL hits since the leveling will be so much faster?