Is too many alts bad

I had 12 alts and deleted 7 of them after I got Invincible. I got stressed about having to level them, especially the ones I couldn’t play that well. I kept the ones that I could play and enjoy. It’s up to you if you want to keep them, just keep them stored or delete them you can always revive them back after deleting.

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Dude, it looks like you still have room for two more. :laughing:


Yeah, I think I’m sitting at 28 120s, all around 445 or above, and cloaks at 10 or above. Then I have a bunch of lowbies. Alts are what keeps me playing.


A bit more actually since some of the alts I made are just reserving the names until I remake them when the Prepatch hits.

Literally zero catch-up mechanic for Soul Ash or Stygia. The only way to raise Conduit Ranks on alts is via a Maw consumable with ridiculous time-investment. The most optimal Great Vault requires extensive raid clearing, 10+ Mythic+ runs. The new arena vendor sells i190 gear that has to be empowered with a consumable that is rare and rating-based. High-end PvPers will be, for the first time in a long time, wearing full PvP gear due to the necessity of Vers/X in the meta and the 2/2 trinket set bonus. Alt’ing for arena is going to require absolutely absurd amounts of time to empower your gear.

Yeahno. Shadowlands looks miserable for “competitive” alts. If you mean that rogue you have at i194 that you sometimes do a Mythic+3 with, sure. Fine. Any expansion is fine for that.


I have one of every class at 120 (except DK) on the Alliance side, and I have 3 120’s on my Horde server. Obviously, I love having alts, and I think they’re a good, fun, and worthwhile part of the game.

Here are things to consider, however:

1.) Do you have an established main?
2.) Do you prioritize it over the others?

If not, then you’ll run into some difficulties depending on your playing style and the level of content you’re interested in.

There is nothing wrong with having alts, enjoying them, and delighting in the leveling/creating process. The only time it becomes an issue is when you’ve devoted so much time to alts that you have no main with sufficient gear, skill, and time spent to conquer higher end content. If higher end content doesn’t matter to you, then it’s not an issue at all. If, however, you like to raid or M+, it’s prudent to have a main and one or two alts at the top of the pile who receive most of your time and attention.


I had to delete some to make room.

I do NOT have a problem!!


Me too. But maybe that’s becuase I don’t play endgame. I don’t raid, or Mythic, or PvP.

So when I hit 120, I have no reason to “gear up”. I’m not going to be doing anything with that character. So I switch to a new one.

I have 37 characters in BFA, and about 15 in Classic.


In Legion I had one of every class at max and decently geared to do the Mages Tower except for Demon Hunter. In BFA I just took 4 characters from 110 to 120. But now with the level squish since leveling is going to become much easier and less tedious (curse that 60-80 bump) I’m going ot be leveling one character of each class for each of the races I like.

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That’s what they all say – until the intervention.

“Alts? I can quit any time I want.”

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I capped my account at 50 characters, wanted more so now I have 5 accounts and 126 characters, planning to level at least 5 more for prepatch. Your thread title answers your question “is too many alts bad” yes because you have too many :slight_smile: What is “too many”? That all depends on what your goals are. If you want to clear the current raid on heroic on every character your “too many” might be lower than someone who uses their characters to farm for Mims Head or Invincible.

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All that matters is that you’re enjoying yourself. If creating characters is fun for you, go for it.

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Do whatever makes you happy while playing the game, what someone else thinks doesn’t matter because they don’t pay your subscription and fun is subjective!

TL;DR … You do you!

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I’m somewhere around 65 at 120. You can never be sure what you end up playing as your main. A month or so in and you can find your preferred choice just went sideways…as my raid leader said when he bumped me off my rogue onto a shaman as we didn’t have enough rogues to make the full party.

Besides… when I get bored, I level another. I might never play it again but so what… it’s fun at the time and that’s all the matters.

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From a leveling perspective yes. We will see about how many end game hoops it takes to jump through at lvl 60. That is what people complain is how alt friendly the end game content is. Well i mean, people complain about the leveling to, and i always shake my head, as 120 levels is a joke to be honest. It is so easy to level now in retail. Making alts is not a big deal to be honest answer to the question at hand. I mean, as long as it doesn’t affect your real life responsibilities. Like yah sorry work, im going to be late to work tonite. Why? Well i was workin on my alt real quick yo, just like almost done with this alt. Then i can go to work soon.

I like to level exp lock my alts at specific caps, lvl 39 for example for low lvl dungeon crawling. Like exp locking at lvl 19 to do shadowfang keep runs or wailing caverns and deadmines runs. Its fun doing scarlet monastery sometimes and razorfen kraul and maraudon. Or how i got a 45 warrior that does zull furrak and a few others in that range.

12 races. 12 classes.

My personal OCD wouldn’t let me rest until Harmony was reached. So now I have 12 classes and 12 races at 120.


thanks everyone for the replies yeah i think im gonna stay top 12 with one race for each class after i get them to 120 ill do more thanks for all the adviceim glad im not the only one


The more alts you have, the less you get accomplished in this game.

true lol but now i feel like all are main hahaha just cant delete them