Is too many alts bad

Probably sounds corny but draw a name from a hat!

Might end up being fun…I’ve thought about doing that for the spontaneity and the ‘random game of chance’-ness of it, but then I always end up deciding who I want to play and what I want to do with them.

I have my favorites.

Better yet, in the spirit of RPGs, assign them each a number, then roll a d20!

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I have never been given that quest. Does it still exist?

I run a minivision and would start getting corrupted mementos, but I actually leave the zone and never go back because it makes me want to vomit.

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I have 18 120s and lots of alts. My main gets the attention first. I will always work on the main until the max level is reached and whatever required rep is achieved to move forward with pathfinder. Once she has met all requirements, I will still of course work on gear, and if time is left over at the end of the day, I will work on alts. They are all maxed to my expectations by the end of the expansion.

It does still exist. But the corruption is dying on Tuesday.

My characters do every quest up to and including unlocking the tenebrous gateway, but have never been offered that quest.

Keep going… it’s after that.

The next quest is to do a horrific vision. It’s kind of moot to claim that you can get corrupted mementos by doing that quest you have to run a horrific vision first. At which point you already have corrupted mementos.

But, there’s no need to run a horrific vision to get corrupted mementos to cleanse the trash gear they give me that isn’t worth spending 5 corrupted mementos to cleanse.

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You can’t spend the mementos with MOTHER until after you do the vision behind the tenebrous gateway and then take care of the mess in the chamber… The vision… you don’t even have to win it to get the quest completed. Just go in, do your best, and win or die, then claim the reward and complete the quest. Then get the next quest. The next quest will be to save the chamber.

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Depends as there are two places where one enters a mini-vision. The first we have to travel to either Uldum or Pandaria. That’s usually fairly quick and the goals are fairly easy if one is about 400. I usually try to level a bit before attempting those. It comes after having to do one invasion each in Uldum and Pandaria. At low gear levels I found doing them punishing and generally leached off other players for kills.

The second is when Wraithion sends us into a Vision that really upsets Magni. Depending on my mood I may go in and do a suicide attack or just AFK was my sanity bleeds away. One just has to show up. Once completing this quest the attempted take over happens and then after that is thwarted we get our 100 momentos and I never do another Vision thing again. We now have a level one cloak and currency to cleanse any corrupted gear that drops.

If you are having fun and it is not getting in the way of responsibilities, I see no issue with it.


Here’s the scenario:

I complete the Uldum assault. They give my character 430 crit-haste wrists with a trash corruption - absolutely worthless to every one of the tanks they gave it to and not worth cleansing - and say, “Look at this! You have no idea what corruption is, even though we’ve been showering you with corrupted gear since reaching 120! Better talk to Mother about that, maybe she has a way to cleanse it.”

I talk to Mother, who “unlocks” the process to cleanse and would tell me to eat garbage if I actually wanted to try to use it. It is unusable and thus not unlocked at all.

Excuse me for not doing utter garbage content that is designed to make me know my intelligence has been insulted and they don’t really want me playing the game.

Once this next Tuesday hits with the pre-patch, the mementos will be unnecessary, at least to cure the corruption, as the corruption is being taken out of the game. Just sit back and hold off a few more days and all is well.

Play how ever many characters you want, there is no hard and fast rules beyond what you find fun.

Running alts and garrisons keep me busy and having fun!

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Yeah, no this isn’t a correct statement.


No, all that means is some people have more time to play than you do.

There have been plenty of times over the years when I could log into my main and get everything I needed accomplished in 1-2 hours of play for that day. Daily quests, crafting CDs when those were a thing, whatever it was. Once I had that done, I could either go do something that didn’t interest me, or grind something I didn’t need … or play an alt and experience something new.

If you want to move the goalpost from a time issue to a bleeding-edge issue, go ahead, but then it becomes no longer an issue of math, but of value systems. I don’t value high-level PvP accomplishments at all. To me that’s a complete waste of my time because I don’t enjoy the content. But others value it very much, some to the exclusion of everything else, and that’s great for them. I hope we’re both happy.

My definition of “accomplished” is heroic AoTC with my guildmates for every xpac, plus a lot of successful M+ runs, and I hit those marks. But I also have a family and own my own company that has differing hours based on the day or week, so a lot of times I cannot be on when my mates are and doing extra content with them is not feasible. So I level the alts, experience things with them in PUGs or whatever, and sometimes sub them into my M+ runs with the guild. Chase mounts, mog, etc., when I have to play solo. But even I run out of time just like everyone else does.

Like the old Mr. T commercial back in the day, “What’s YOUR game?” No two people have the same definition of what it is.


I’ve seen many altholics… I kinda respect them. How can they do that? I just feel some sort of responsibility about my alts so I just can’t be an altoholic.

I undeleted an alt recently cos I wanted to farm warfront tmog faster. (And I got it!) Anyway I reallly didn’t want to do cloak quests again, the ilvl was enough to do heroic warfront, and I almost forgot about the questline. But I just had to do it. I don’t know why. Maybe because of the essenses. It took me almost 4 hours to get the cloak even though I skipped the skippable part. :woozy_face: ( + and the ‘epic’ achievement too lol )

I will never be an altholic…

I’ve started doing this too. I pair up the names and the two characters become a pair that I always play together. It’s a ton of fun and so far I haven’t had any abuse in game. So far so good.

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3 accounts, over 70 chars…15 at 120…is bad? No, most deff not! I even thought about, 1 alt for each spec of each class…is that bad? Maybe I need more alts…Ima go make some alts…

Get the addon “Altoholic,” if you don’t have it already. I have 18 alts on my main server, most of them profession alts, meaning I have every profession on both factions. I love leveling professions and collecting recipes/schematics/patterns.

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