Is today the day?

Yeah. It also looks like the DR is the only part that is doubled, and with all the stuff in the talent tree concerning crit, I can see mastery being closer, certainly not a “we want 0” stat, but I think crit & probably haste will still be go to stats currently. Mastery will probably be > vers with current tuning.

Wonder if all the doomers are eating their words rn

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I’m not going that far till i get my hands on working talent calculator, but so far what i’m reading i’m excited.

Decent start but i hope there’s more coming. still need pet specs fixed, disengage needs another charge, and wtf is that misdirection talent? thats so bad lol

Still though, a good start.

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you know they’re just going to move the goalpost like always

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There’s still a lot of bad talents. 4% movement as a capstone level talent? 3 seconds of aspect of the cheetah? Ghillie suit seems really pointless? At least we got rid of alot of the % increases from the survival tree.

Tbh I still dont like bombs, but this rework is making me believe :smiley:

Also, ghillie suit is almost useless atm. They need to let you camo in combat for this to ever be useful


Bombs are currently acting like blue bomb from old wildfire infusion. Not sure if that’s how it should work, but it doesn’t rotate, it’s called wildfire bomb on my screen, but when I use it, the enemy gets the blue dot and mongoose bites are adding a bleed.

It’s a decent talent for pvp stuff. Otherwise yea.

A lot of this looks like pvp talents. Ghillie Suit, Moment of Opportunity, Roar of Sacrifice all feel very pvp oriented. Can players even be crit anymore by mobs?

Bursting Shot is now a choice node with Scatter Shot (was in Marksmanship tree)

Interesting that they are opening this up to all specs. I hope that this isn’t a Barrage issue with Survival.

I’d imagine there’s probably quite a few bugs but glad they decided to push it anyway so we can give feedback

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Some of those are, but all classes have this. It’s kind of nice hunter actually has some.

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Even then it’s pretty meh since you can only get camo off if you can exit combat behind a pillar or something

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Except they make up our class capstone area. Alongside things like 4% movement, making the class capstone very sad.

Just tested this. It uses the small hand crossbow animation from a weapon perspective with the orange blast component it always had. Works fine for surv.


Yea i didn’t say they were good yet lol.

Look at this…they are leaning into the dire beast. Maybe we will see some more Lone Wolf MM utility.

New Talent: Territorial Instincts – Intimidation summons a pet if you do not have one out and stuns two additional nearby enemies at 50% effectiveness

They have a dev note that says its not intended and is just for testing purposes, in the notes
Unless i misunderstood them

Yeah I read the dev note and I applaud them for at least looking into this.