Is today the day?

They’re definitely not leaning to utility without a pet.

Below regarding Lone Wolf talent:
" Developer’s note: The opportunity cost of having your pet out as a Marksmanship Hunter is so high that it can feel as though you’re locked out of all pet based utility, especially in AOE situations. Marksmanship is always going to be the Hunter spec that provides more throughput without a pet, but lowering this talent’s power should help to make those times where you’re the only lust or need an extra defensive feel a bit less bad."

So instead of boosting lone wolf damage, they’re nerfing it, which seems a bit counter intuitive to what the note says about providing higher throughput without the pet.


Im liking the new MS position

Ooh you can also have Surging & In the Rhytm at the same time.

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Instead of making lust baseline for lone wolf and other utility they just nerf lone wolf??? People like lone wolf you know

Let me unbind pet micro management from my keybinds. Remove lust and utility from pets when using lone wolf.


Roar of sac is the best defensive we have. People just cant crit you at all for a long time. Its pretty good against most mages and other specs.

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Yeah they could have made a horn that hunters blow into for lust but nope they chose the easy and fast way out and the other utility they could have done something too but sadly they just didn’t want to put in the work.


Hunter is my favorite class and hopefully continues to be that way

Am I overlooking this but is Serpent Sting now baseline or totally removed as an individual spell and only applied via other talent/abilities?

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Okay let’s go through it.

  • New Talent: Padded Armor – Survival of the Fittest gains an additional charge.
    - very good

  • New Talent: Kodo Tranquilizer – Tranquilizing Shot removes up to 1 additional Magic effect from its target.
    - good, kinda niche.

  • New Talent: Devilsaur Tranquilizer – If Tranquilizing Shot removes only an Enrage effect, its cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds.
    - meh, not exciting

  • New Talent: Scout’s Instincts – You cannot be slowed below 80% of your normal movement speed while Aspect of the Cheetah is active.
    boring. seems like pvp talent

  • New Talent: Scrappy – Casting Aimed Shot reduces the cooldown of Intimidation and Binding Shot by 0.5 seconds.
    meh, fine

  • New Talent: Kindling Flare – Stealthed enemies revealed by Flare remain revealed for 3 seconds after exiting the flare.
    pvp talent? irrelevant in pve

  • New Talent: Unnatural Causes – Your damage over time effects deal 10% increased damage. This effect is increased by 50% on targets below 20% health.
    passive +dmg. boring but fine

  • New Talent: Moment of Opportunity – When a trap triggers, you gain Aspect of the Cheetah for 3 seconds. Can only occur every 1 minute.
    I cannot think of almost any time I’d want this in pve

  • New Talent: No Hard Feelings – When Misdirection targets your pet, it reduces the damage they take by 50% for 5 seconds.
    I guess I skip this because of lone wolf again, but also this is for open world content only or?

  • New Talent: Territorial Instincts – Intimidation summons a pet if you do not have one out and stuns two additional nearby enemies at 50% effectiveness.

    • Developer’s note: This talent is not fully implemented yet, but we wanted to give players access to it early for feedback. The intended vision for this spell is for Hunters to summon their pet, and then it Intimidates their target. We are not interested in circumventing a Hunter’s need for their pet to be out to access Intimidation.
      don’t like summoning the pet to intimidate if I’m playing lone wolf…
  • New Talent: Tar-Coated Bindings – Binding Shot’s root duration is increased by 1 second.

  • New Talent: Serrated Tips – You gain 5% more critical strike from critical strike sources.
    another passive +damage thing. boring, fine

  • New Talent: Ghillie Suit – You take 20% reduced damage while in Camouflage. This bonus persists 3 seconds after leaving Camouflage.
    is this pvp as well??? when would this ever apply to pve realistically???

  • New Talent: Specialized Arsenal – Kill Command, Aimed Shot, and Wildfire Bomb damage increased by 10%.
    okay so… ANOTHER passive +damage talent. jeeze

Now I play marksman so I’m only going to cover those below here

  • New Talent: Rapid Fire Barrage – Your Barrage now instead shoots Rapid Fires at up to five nearby enemies at 30% effectiveness but has its cooldown increased to 60 seconds.
    seems pretty good and cool. W talent design

  • New Talent: Small Game Hunter – The damage of Multi-Shot is increased by 100% and the damage of Explosive Shot is increased by 25%.
    passive +damage. boring

  • New Talent: Penetrating Shots – Gain critical strike damage equal to 20% of your critical strike chance.
    passive +damage. boring

  • New Talent: Kill Zone – Your spells and attacks deal 8% more damage and ignore line of sight against any target in your Volley.
    damage amp within volley? boring. the other feature is meaningless for pve at least

  • Legacy of the Windrunners has been redesigned – Each time Rapid Fire deals damage, there is a 5% chance to coalesce a Wind Arrow at your target.
    okay. that’s kind of interesting considering other wind arrow related things

  • Wailing Arrow has been redesigned and is now passive – Now replaces your Aimed Shot with a Wailing Arrow after generating 20 Wind Arrows.
    Wailing Arrow only silences the primary target and it now benefits from bonuses to Aimed Shot such as Trick Shots.
    I think the fact that this is an unreliable SINGLE TARGET silence makes this pretty whatever. you’ll just occasionally silence your main target I guess and get a passive dmg bonus. MEH, underwhelming sounding for sure

  • Eagle Talon’s True Focus has been redesigned – Trueshot lasts an additional 3 seconds. During Trueshot, Aimed Shot’s Focus cost is reduced by 50% and Arcane Shot and Multi-Shot casts an additional time at 30% effectiveness.
    sounds like a good change to me

  • Hydra’s Bite has been redesigned – When Aimed Shot strikes an enemy affected with your Serpent Sting, it spreads Serpent Sting to up to 2 nearby enemies. Serpent Sting’s damage over time is increased by 20%.
    sounds good, though serpent sting’s damage has never been much to write home about

  • Killer Accuracy has been updated – Kill Shot’s critical strike chance and critical strike damage are increased by 20%.
    Razor Fragments has been updated – Kill Shot damage increase to 75% (was 50%).
    whatever, fine

  • Lone Wolf reduced to 5% increased damage when you do not have an active pet (was 10%).

    • Developer’s note: The opportunity cost of having your pet out as a Marksmanship Hunter is so high that it can feel as though you’re locked out of all pet based utility, especially in AOE situations. Marksmanship is always going to be the Hunter spec that provides more throughput without a pet, but lowering this talent’s power should help to make those times where you’re the only lust or need an extra defensive feel a bit less bad.
      … okay wait so… you NERF lone wolf to make it feel less bad to be force to summon your pet but you also say it feels awful to have to summon your pet because the opportunity cost is too high??? WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT??? whatever dev wrote this should lose 1 week of pay.

so… yeah. largely not really so impressive. there’s some cool ideas and stuff with hydra bite, wind arrow stuff, barrage looking very cool but otherwise it’s passive junk and that lone wolf change is a baffling slap in the face to all MM players. genuinely makes me angry to read that.

I’ll add that we’re also seeing ZERO changes to hero talents in this patch but hunter hero talents 1000000% NEED to be changed. dark ranger especially needs basically a top to bottom rework and we expect sick visuals as well (a million good suggestions have been made for it in other threads), but yeah all of them need changing.

first change of hopefully many, but so far I’m giving this a 4/10. some decent stuff but MOSTLY passive damage tuning knobs and some real stinker pvp garbage a vast majority of players will ever want PLUS that lone wolf change and explanation is just horrific (unless I’m somehow missing something???)


they removed it according to the post and it’s only applied through other things by the looks of it.

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it sounds like you didn’t make a new character for the new build. are you using atoon from last week?

I can live with that.

their logic written out is basically

“we saw you don’t want to be kicked in the balls when we force you to summon your pet for normal spells other classes and specs get so instead we’re just going to spit in your face on top of kicking you less hard in the balls.”

bro… what IS that change?


Yes, but that sounds like pvp. It doesn’t seem to do anything in PVE. Hunters needed utility and still really don’t have any. Tranq shot and a little CC (root/snare/stuns) is about it.


And then their own statement was basically, “but we wanted to make sure you know that marksman is the spec that doesn’t double over when we kick them in the balls.”


Developer’s note: The opportunity cost of having your pet out as a Marksmanship Hunter is so high that it can feel as though you’re locked out of all pet based utility, especially in AOE situations.

Forgive my ignorance if I am off-base because I haven’t PvE’d as MM in years but what is the MM Pet Utility in AOE situations? Are they referring to Lust?

I’m assuming this philosophy on intim also applies to other utility the pets bring, like lust. Unfortunate.

I am still not convinced that Developer Note isn’t a type-o. If I can Stun a target + 2 additional targets without an active pet via a talent then Roar of Sac, Lust, Master’s Call could be under consideration.

Given the fact they said in the blue post they don’t want this functionality I’m gonna have to disagree

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Currently the damage reduction never changes by the way. At 0 mastery from gear, it’s still 3% or 6% based on pet range and with 7000 mastery it’s 3% or 6%. So no scaling.

They just put a pin in Trueshot.

Survival’s new Mastery is Spirit Bond. This increases ALL damage you and your pet deal by X% (this scales with your mastery) and reduces the damage you and your pet take by 3% (this does not scale with mastery). While you are within 25 yards of your pet, both of these effects are doubled. The DR is always 3/6%.

NOTE: There is a 10 second “mercy” window of the doubled values retaining if you get farther away from your pet.

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