Is today the day?

That we all decide if we are going to continue to play a sideshow class/spec or move on? Blizz please nail these talent tree updates.


INB4 they nail the Class/Spec tree’s to Zen-like perfection and we see all of the “I played Hunter before it was good” post’s at all of the FOTMers.


Are we expecting anything more than the Aspect of the Cheetah/Ghillie Suit/Survival of the Fittest changes from last week’s datamining?


We’ve been told to expect spec-tree changes so yeah.

I don’t think today is the day. I believe Wednesday is the new Beta build.


I won’t hold my breath


Been eyeing my mage. I don’t see me switching though, sunk cost fallacy is strong.

Let’s just hope they nail it.

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With the gear reset at the beginning of each expansion, there are no sunk costs. The Hunter guide writer is calling the Marksmanship tier set horrendous and non-functioning. Unless the developers pull the Rabbit of Caerbannog out of their hat with this week’s beta build, it is Mage time.


rub hands

I have faith and will be playing it regardless (SV) but also have SP I’ll be playing!

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I want to play surv, but I’m tired of being an outdated side show. If they don’t nail this I’m probably going back to arms.


Not for most people probably… I’m speaking more from the perspective of deep understanding of the class and interactions that take time to build (pvp related)… As well as achievements, character specific accessories Epic Purple Shirt, etc.

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Probably not today. Builds for Alpha were on Wed or Thur. I’d imagine the same holds true for beta.


I was like that at the beginning of TBC when I transitioned from Hunter Main to Druid Healer for raids and then eventually to Tank (BFA). 18 years later and I am probably going to transition from Druid to another class. Warbands will help ease that (reps, etc). Part of me still wants to Tank full time but another part of me really wants Hunter to be a solid stat so I can just chill in TWW as a DPS for PvE and PvP.


i’m holding mine because i’m physically addicted to copium and never learn my lesson


100% share the same sentiment Cov. Sitting here patiently looking at news waiting to hear something.

Obviously just heard the first good news in a long time. Meanwhile been thinking about making a dragon. So I really hope they nailed this as I really don’t want to switch off my long-term main. But I will, if I have to. Devastation evoker has been a joy to learn. But nothing captures the feels like my hunter


Very good, I was curious because I thought it was last Monday when we got the notice but I was mistaken.

I’m pretty hopeful for the changes. I don’t think that the class/spec trees can get much worse honestly. Generally speaking, Blizzard hasn’t done a terrible job revamping the other classes. So in my opinion the only places hunters can go is up

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Dont go to arms, you had a lot of influence on my choice to be a Survival hunter

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I appreciate that, I think blizz going to nail this and keep me here. Maybe I’m just being hopeful haha.

I dont have much hope for amazing completely refreshing melee survival hunter so i prob going to stick to monk but ill always look at any hunter changes to see if itll bring me back. Mained surivial for most of bfa, some of shadowlands and all of df.

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builds have usually been on wednesday