Is today the day?

I think its important to remember that they didnt say rework but just changes to the talent tree. Things are going to be moved around or removed and made baked in to the spec. But i dont think those changes are goinf to address any of rhe main problems with hunter especially survival.

I think its best to assume that while hunters are getting changes it wont be anything groundbreaking.

Except what are they going to move around in the survival tree? Just moving the upteen % increases to the top of the tree? lol.


If they at the very least, donā€™t make harpoon baseline and bake the talent associated with it into it, Iā€™m going to freak out.

(Thereā€™s no shot in the world they do that letā€™s be real)


Yep. I need to have a least a few super cool class specific xmogs. I also need to get the class title from the Legion class hall campaigns alongside the artifact weapon mogs (since they can be applied to any weapon type). For example, my Paladin was literally unplayable until I unlocked the updated divine steed animation via the Legion class hall campaign.

This is the truth.


Yes lol thats exactly what we going to see and blizz is going to pat themselves on the back for their groundbreaking work lol

I have the same idea and maybe itā€™s just making me excited for no reason, but I hope not.

Old Talent - Concussive Shot has been removed.

New Talent - Choose One: Concussive Shot and Wing Clip.


Why would you do that when we have Wing Clip baseline at like level 6?

If you want Wing Clip instead of Concussive Shot, just put that talent point somewhere else.

You missed the post entirely.

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Was it meant as a satirical commentary about how underwhelming the changes are?

If so, my bad.


I am preparing myself for blizz to make that the extent of their ā€œtree adjustmentā€ which would equate to saying the same thing just a different way. I fully expect this to be a rearrangement of deck chairs on the Titanic.

Reading the M+ Affix changes yesterday has me in a very bad mood.


Exactly what I believe. You have to know which way your tank is going to move, and to try and activate the stun. But, not be too early the pack is left behind and missing out on cleave. Root feels better to prevent them from ā€œrunningā€ away.

Great analogy and also what I expect.

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Could honestly not have said it better myself. I am like 99% sure this is how it will go.

Does that mean we might not get surprised by the 1% and actually get major changes? No. But I sure refuse to hope for it, I was there for the SL and DF alpha/beta hope-trainā€¦

Iā€m going to remain optimistic that the changes will be enough to alleviate some of the problems. Iā€™m not expecting a re-working or anything where I fall in love with a ground breaking new change.

So optimistic on a bit of help ā€¦. but I also wonā€™t be surprised at all if it just gets a big shrug from me.

The only other classes I play are druids and shamans. The shamans arenā€™t getting any real love either.


You dream big, I donā€™t share the optimism but I respect it lol.

Also new Beta build dropping today so weā€™ll see if the changes are in this build.

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Today is the day lads:


Today we either celebrate, or riot!


Beta already shows realms as incompatible to me. No updating yet though