Is today the day?

this never happened btw melee range is still 5 yards. not to “um actually” you or anything

normally roots say they break on damage so the fact it doesn’t means it might just be going back to how it was in SL



So you are guessing, got it.

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Wait how did I miss this the first time it most certainly didn’t in PvE lol

yes I’m basing it on how it used to work and how the wording works on tooltips (albeit not always 100% but its best we have rn) I will happily test it once the full changes are in game. Also people have been complaining :slight_smile:

So wait, Are these changes coming out today or not…

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It comes when the next beta build drops, probably tomorrow but could be today. Nobody knows except blizzard.

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Tommorow probably


you can also just log on beta and see it doesn’t break on damage.


Did you just assume his beta access?


no I’m just telling them that it doesn’t break on damage and it’s been tested

If I could do that, I would be posting how it works, not asking for sources.

Still wondering why people are fine losing an AoE stun for an AoE root, given we already had an AoE root available to us for the same talent point investment on a shorter CD.

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You are not alone. People are complaining but just not in the right spot.


because the aoe stun was absolutely god awful and applied stun dr to packs, while this unbreakable root is less of a dr problem and marginally more unique as group utility

there are many more actually usable aoe stuns in the game, but not so many unbreakable roots

Ok so this is going to be “better” for high tier M+ and PvP with specific comps trying to avoid specific DR types, and a nerf everywhere else?

Not seeing much of an upside tbh. Especially since Hunter is getting passed over in high tier comps anyway.

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Then just buff tar trap?

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I think you’re overlooking how annoying the stun of binding shot was to activate

I mean you could drop drop the edge of the reticle on the target. You could also self proc it with Bursting Shot or Explosive Trap.

If Intimidation worked without a pet I’d have less of an issue.

Right now you have Tar Trap that is an 8yard 30s slow that can be talented to add a 4s root and then Binding Shot as a talent.

Binding shot is now going to be 5 yards for 5 seconds rooting for 3 seconds with a talent called Tar Coated Bindings to increase that to 6s.

I dare say Binding shot is replacing tar trap, hence why its so similar and gaining a similar extra talent option and that something new will replace current binding shot.


right but then to get an aoe stun off you’re committing two separate spells while also increasing the stun dr of the group.

don’t get me wrong it’s a clunky and awful spell either way but an unbreakable root is marginally more useful than the worst aoe stun in the entire game

I guess my main gripe is Lone Wolf MM losing access to that entire class of CC. Snares, roots, incapacitates, disorients, knockbacks, but no stuns unless you have a pet.