Is today the day?

Nah hunter will be the same. NO change to class spec or hero tree. They will leave us as it is and claims there is no time to work hunters while mages, warlocks, priest get weekly updates.


I highly doubt this since we just got a message saying full class/spec tree updates are incoming.


I believe it when I see it. So far testing in beta hunter play the same as it is now the hero spec are meh at best and boring and boring with nothing new to be said honestly when you compare to other class.


Ya well they literally announced the changes were coming in the next beta build. I’m all for doom posting but atleast get the details right my man.


Sounds hard ngl.

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Anyone else survival mains worried about the loss of lunge?

I mean no? They stated that some changes slipped in the first beta build and that those are part of changes to class and all three spec trees. Nothing about reworks. Nothing about major changes. Nothing about full class/spec changes.

I am all for not dooming but let’s be honest, how can we not after years of near total neglect? It’s very healthy to be very careful with getting hope up. I can’t even remember the last time I felt good about a major patch/expansion in regards to hunters.
So until we actually see Major changes/reworks I will keep on “dooming” or you know
 being skeptical because nothing in the past leads us to believe they will make large changes based on our feedback. Let’s not over-interpret what they said as well.

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Not really, seems like a mostly universal change for melee and its better for the game.

Are you asking?

Can you provide a link to back up your claims? Because the only thing I’ve seen is this,

which does not say any of the things you are saying. I mean what about Hunter class tree update along with spec tree updates means “Nothing about full class/spec changes” to you? Obviously I could be wrong but the signs are not pointing in that direction, we will see on Wednesday.


I understand boring to play etc etc, but how are we playing as far as numbers go in Beta, are we doing any good or just at bottom like always?

numbers in beta mean absolutely nothing now, especially mere days before we get new talents

two of our hero trees do not function at 100% now as well


I doubt we will see much outside of talent 2-point reductions and some talent clean-up. I HIGHLY doubt we will see anything extensive before this expansion launches.

If you are survival and hoping for anything to change I don’t see anything changing other than maybe carve and butchery not being an option. Its going to be bomb build as always.

BM hunters hope you like barbed shot.

Marksman hunters maybe see a removal to lone wolf. Otherwise business as usual most of the changes came post launch of Dragon flight.

Honestly, what would have made most people happy is if the animations and fantasy for the hero talents actually looked good and where exciting. Can play a bad spec a little longer if it looks cool.


Not really, they baked the 3 extra yards into how melee functions. Which is why they removed the talents. The value of the talent itself is meh, but not worried about the loss of 3 yards if that’s what you meant.

Oh lord. I just transferred in from the Shaman class, is Hunter not doing well in beta? I just fell in love with Survival on live, darn it.

My friend. You upgraded from being torn apart by a wolf, to being mauled by a bear


Do you have a source for this I don’t recall them saying there was going to be any compesnation for losing the extra range?

Originally posted on the Alpha forum which doesn’t exist anymore. To quote the post,
“Astral Influence no longer increases the range of melee attacks. We are revisiting increased melee range talents across the game. These talents make the melee experience inconsistent across classes in a way we’re not happy with, so we’re removing most of them. Default melee range has increased since these talents were originally created” So to be fair, it might not be increased by the full 3 yards, but it has been increased by at least 1 yard or more.


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been playing mage on retail practicing for TWW, if hunter rework is a complete bust and hero trees get no attention I will be a mage main and my hunter will be afk in my war band for whatever reps/shared stuff I can pull off of him.

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Am I the only one seeing Binding Shot nerfed to a root?

Why are people not complaining about this? We already had an AoE root on a 30 seconds CD, and this is removing our only stun not dependent on the pet.

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It feels more like a change over a nerf. It’s now a unique AoE root that can’t be broken.

Where does it say it doesn’t break on damage?

Remember last time it was a root, it broke on damage, but at a higher threshold than e.g. Frost Nova.

Also, how is “stop enemy from moving for 3 sec” not a straight nerf compared to “stop enemy from moving and acting for 3 sec”?