Is thrall cheating on his wife? Setup for next expac?

I’m pretty sure orcs could be polygamist. Leave thrall and his sister wives alone.

I’d like to see Aggra punch Jaina over her touching Thrall.

Wait, what about when you’re working in a kitchen and someone touches your back as they go behind you? Is that romantic?!

Incels holed up in their attic for so many years, an arm touch becomes tantamount to cheating and having a kid.

Go outside, for the love of God.

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It can’t be cheating if the developers forgot his wife existed. :smirk:

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I beg to differ, her hand was clearly there for 3-Mississippis.

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Omg what was that from? I’m picturing it in my head but I’m drawing a blank on the name.

Sorry man, I feel your pain. I’ve been stuck in the friend-zone too.

Thrall smash!


Oh boy, I can only imagine all the outrage you just caused. Toxic feminism, Orcish chauvinism, I can see every kind of SJW, equality, you name it head exploding right now! Bring out the duct tape so they can wrap their heads before they lose it. Next thing we will need to call Metzen up in front of Congress to see if he felt violated by this cyber-sexual assault of arm touching!!!


You like us bad boys, don’t ya.

Big Bang Theory!

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Great idea. Let us have such obvious mentally unstable and dangerous people among the general population. What cough go wrong?

Have you read his stories? Lovecraft is pretty dark.

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Oh my… I just found my passion

Well we DO have eldtritch, tentacled old Gods and their minions who corrupt and drive people mad and that’s sorta what Lovecraft was all about (hey it’s where Blizzard ripped the idea off from).

I think Jaina is a bit old to have children… She isnt the young blooming flower she was when her and Arthas were together…

She’s only 34/35,…that’s still young enough to have children >_>;

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I dont think so. Wasnt the cataclysm like 10 years after the scourge invasion when her and arthas were in their mid twenties? She should be somewhere in her fourties by now

If a Human and a Tauren have a baby, what does it look like?