Is thrall cheating on his wife? Setup for next expac?

Panderan Racial: “Bouncy”


Wowzers! That’s some imagination you have their.

Why are you guys trying to purge Viking Santa of his innocence?

Some things are better left unknown.


This is for giving me ponies this year when I specifically asked for dragons.

Reminder that shippers should be contained, not indulged.


Dragons are people! I can’t give you people.

Ponies dressed up like dragons though…

I thought it was close enough. :man_shrugging:

…you been hittin’ the pipe again?

/Nurse Roberts

Well damn… There goes my love life :frowning:

Misery loves company.

Here, have some more corruption.


I’ll try, the thought of WoD 2.0 is making me excited

You must have started playing during that time. WoD wasn’t that great of an xpac. The last good one was wotlk, and as I talk with the WoW community, I would say a good majority of people would agree.

But that would mean that you would have had to play it while it was the new thing in town, not as a means to level up and get to "level “X”’.

his wife left him, she fell in love with someone who wanted to save the world, now he’s pathetic farmer, not an orc at all.

I played in wrath when it was current.

I think WoD was good, as is this new jainaXthrall ship🥵

I guess I have not seen the cinematic between Thrall and Jaina. The only one I’ve seen is “safe haven”. Is it something I can youtube?

Hmm no no this can’t happen. changes lock on utility closet

In all honesty WoW needs more diversity in it with cross faction interracial couples. Alliance women with Horde men just seem natural and right. Sapphronetta Flivvers and Grizzek Fizzwrench is an excellent example on how Horde men and Alliance women compliment eachother as a couple. Thrall and Jaina having a romantic subplot would be pretty excellent and could even lead to a future game feature of the faction walls being torn down and everyone can coexist and group together to quest and raid.

Say goodbye to “world of WARcraft” and say hello to “World of Lovecraft”…mmm…

not the game I signed up to play.

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World of Warcraft: Total Eclipse of the Hearts

Just burn down the other elf tree in Hyjal and you’ll feel better.

Thrall’s family is dead, no coincidence they were “near by” when he was living near Oshu’gun

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