Is thrall cheating on his wife? Setup for next expac?

That NPC Pence Michaels was right: Never have a post skirmish feast, alone, with a female that is not your mate!

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My guess is Ron Perlman.


As for the actual topic. If they wanted to add another 'for the evilz!" item on Sylvie’s list she could send assassins to murder his wife as revenge for him coming back and helping free Baine. Blizzard isn’t brave enough to kill his kid(s) because Thrall still needs his heir (which is what female love interests to male wow NPCs tend to be reduced to anyway…providing heirs. Aggra’s main purpose was so Thrall could have ‘little brown orc babies’ as Metzen put it). You can interpret Thrall and Jaina’s relationship as just platonic friendship or friendship that’s always had an undercurrent of something more (heck even Eitrig said it was a pity Jaina wasn’t an orc because she’d be a good match for Thrall). That’s the fun of fiction where we can speculate and interpret to our heart’s content.

Brutal. x10char

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they were in their early twenties at oldest. Their night together during Winter Veil was like a few months before Lordaeron became plagued by undeath.

Jaina can’t get enough of the BGC (Big Green Chieftain)

You would hope the friend isn’t from U.SA because they’d press charges for harassment. That’s the new toxic trend now.

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Jaina: Touches her good friend on the arm



Lol sure you wont believe this…but some of us can put women into the friendzone to m8. Not all of us jump at the first woman attracted to us :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have trouble believing that anyone who did the Nordrassil Summit quest could actually believe anything you wrote.

It’s my favorite quest in the game, and was probably the only quest I would call truly beautiful.

how many of these damn threads do we need? cant we just stay on one? or is it that much of an ego stroke to have your name show up as OP?

Wow is a strange world my friend… anything can happen with a touch of a magic wand :wink:

Jaine is in love with a dragon. It’s in the before the storm book.

Fixed that for you :kissing_heart:

touches your big biceps

“We have”

Okay you have my attention… What ya mean?

Just look at thralls eyes…

Then look at Jainas.

Then thralls,

Then Jainas again…

You can see it in their eyes, and if you look close enough, you can see a baby humanorc

Does Thrall even have a wife? I vaguely remember some annoying broad following him around (and calling him by the wrong name) during Cataclysm. But he didn’t really acknowledge her existence. Haven’t seen her before or since.

They broke up.

Please don’t give them bad ideas like .

World of Warcraft : Wrath of the Angry Disgruntled Wife