Is thrall a cheater?

Because the elements didn’t feel that Garrosh should die.
Thrall bended them to his will.

It was explained after the cinematic I don’t remember exactly where.

Why would the elements not feel that Garrosh should die? Why would they care?


Thrall is a cheater.

He is a coward.

He is a traitor.

Thrall is absolute trash.

Because they have their own will and might think that Garrosh would help the orcs in a good way toward shamanism and to respect the elements?

that is a very silly thing to say

You didnt answer my question. You gave me speculation.


Because they know I am the true warchief.

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It’s mostly how they work, they don’t explain each commas

Ok. So your entire argument is just “trust me bro”?


Nope not good enough. You are accusing thrall of cheating and forcing the elements. No where in game, book, or comic is this ever said.

IT IS said that the spirits were angry with him because of self doubt and depression over it.


My argument is that there is logic in them to do so.
You might disagree with that logic.


So your logic is that they felt a non shaman, one that enslaves the elements…is going to help spread shamanism. Over a shaman?


If that was the case then Zappy Boi should of lost his powers for using the Elements in combat during the fight for Lordaeron .

THrall didn’t force the elements to help him , he asked them .

Just because a bunch of people’s head canon say he cheated doesn’t mean he did .


Garrosh is the one that was harder agaisn’t warlocks and proned the old ways.

War can be profitable for the elements, it all depends on the time and what they want. They’re fickle.

especially when no where in game, book, or comic does it ever say he cheated.


That has nothing to do with anything I said. Garrosh is also the one that enslaved elementals, forced them to his will.

Not really fickle.

They just apparently all agree with your conclusion. With no evidence that they have every acted like this at any point in time before.

It more feels like you started with the conclusion. “Thrall cheated” Then worked your way backwards. And anything that disagreed, you ignored it and made up your own lore that “might” have happened, but we should all agree it totally did.


Every Orc knows he cheated.

Garrosh had dark shamans that did it, while sure we can blame it it’s up to the elements to judge that.

In the Thrall book they explain more how shamanism work. The game takes a lot of shortcuts.

Saurfang did not think he cheated. Why would the MOST decorated and veteran warrior of the Horde, one of the few orcs who had been through the first and second dark portal and the 3 rd war go to him for help, if he cheated? You make no sense. The most honorable and powerful warrior of the horde supported him.


Do you not know any of the story of mist of pandaria or warlords of draenor?

The Elemental’s would have every reason to hate garrosh, he had his shamans use shadow magic to torture and enslave them then helped the orcs in draenor enslave more for the iron horde