Is this version of AV the worst mistake Blizz has made?

This version if AV was done right before the launch of TBC, nobody ever ranked in AV to obtain high warlord as it was always AB > WSG for premades. Out of all the idiotic decisions blizzard has made, this has to be the worst.


Worst mistake of all time? Nah. One of the worst, definitely. It is certainly the worst iteration of AV out of all of them.


Worst decision of all time was Raid finder


we got raid finder for pvp


Lets rephrase that a moment my fiend; no one worth mentioning ranked in AV.

I am now beginning to understand where all the wives tales of “people AFK’d to Rank 14” came from…

In other words, the whole AFK to rank 14 happened in the LAST 2 MONTHS OF VANILLA WOW…

Sorry for the rant Doc, but the whole AV being the best way to rank up just pisses me off because this was 100% not possible in Vanilla before 1.12.

CRBG and the AV changes are pure cancer to the game; it’s a shocker that Blizzard did not see this but then again I look at their history of choices in modern wow and it’s no longer such a surprise.


I’m not a fan of the current AV. I am exalted with the Frostwolf and will not set foot back into AV unless I’m just really, really bored. Removing all the fun aspects of the 40 on 40 battleground was a mistake.


you do know my post is saying this version of AV is complete trash, right?

Correct, I was only pointing out an observation and confirming your point of view with that observation.

I said

Because now I can see why some of the people in the old forums were QQ’n about people AFK’n to Rank 14 in actual vanilla when the truth was this was only possible in 1.12 AV.

It wasn’t just that. There were a lot of videos going around of high ranked rogues doing nothing but autoattack, staying full energy the entire WSG… things like that.
Basically just piling on hours of gameplay while half asleep at their desk. I believe that is where a lot of the “afk to rank 14” comments come from.

Definitely not the worst mistake.

  1. Real ID
  2. Raid FInder
  3. The Hong Kong business

Im very thankful for this AV and community,

I bought a Nintendo Switch and im enjoy pokemon. Now i can AFK and play my switch

worst mistake in classic

Somewhat related… I have never seen anything quite so crazy as the community reaction when they announced they were going to use people’s real names on the forums instead of characters.

That was my first thought for Blizzard’s worst idea.


<1% of players will hit HWL/GM (I mean, literally, that’s actually how it works). A choice that impacted basically nobody really isn’t that big a deal.

It’s a big mistake- not because of ranking though, but because this AV is a lame race and old AV was an epic battle.

Changing the decision on which BG to account share 24/7 to get HWL is basically meaningless.

Even in terms of Classic- letting free xfers week one for the underpopulated faction on servers destroyed every server they were on- I’d consider the destruction of multiple servers to be far more considerable than people ranking in AV.

But Blizz as a whole? How about ‘do you not have phones?’, how about them trashing their own moba HotS with their automated banning systems that ignored bots, AFKers and feeders but bans people that say a bad word immediately.

Or how about them merging with Activision. Sure, from a money standpoint, great- but from a ‘making good games’ standpoint, obviously the worst choice ever made.


I would say Blizz giving the horde huge pvp racial advantages was its biggest mistake. It caused an overflow of pvpers to one faction and as a result, the imbalance has caused huge queues for that faction. I would recommend bliz remove racials in BGs altogether


Both sides have great racials and alliance has the god tier race known as gnomes.

I know some people who Ranked in AV actually to Grand Marshal, never played in Premade. But it takes effort more than 10 hours PvPing per day for 6 days a week.

probably Tier 9 was the worst mistake.

the tier that provided a challenge to the gifted and a gift to the challenged.

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As alliance I solo ranked on my Nelf hunter to R10, primarily in AV. There were a lot of us in those AV’s back then, and this was pre-xrealm, pre-1.12. It was the best honor if you were not in a poopsocker pre-made, those were all guild controlled and entry requirements were demanding.

AV has always been a thing for grinding honor as alliance, for several reasons:

  • Best honor per honor if you’re solo.
  • Horde has better fighters on average so AB and WSG were almost guaranteed losses if you were pugging.
  • No time limits on WSG, get stuck in there forever sometimes.
  • Shorter Q times.
  • Hide in the crowd because you’re new, don’t know what to do, and your gear sucks.

To act as if AV wasn’t used in exactly the same way it is now back in Vanilla is not accurate. Gamers are way more sophisticated with their honor extraction techniques today, but that is the only change.


This is the classic experience.