Is this the worst balance in history of the game?

Happy to help shatter RMP players egos whenever I can.


Thank you for your service :saluting_face:


This is a legit complaint. The rest of the stuff pertaining to balance is just being silly.

I agree with button bloat though 100%. Iā€™m not a naga guy as it hurts my thumb after longer gaming sessions, so the amount of keybinds required as a pvper is a bit overwhelming on all specs atm (some worse than others of course).

Iā€™ll catch hate for this, but I think the game would be better with no focus frame (and not requiring you to make binds for focus macros).

The extra level of skill expression, if you even want to call it that, that comes from being able to handle 10-20+ extra keybinds for focus macros is lame and a killer in terms of bringing new players into the scene.

Weā€™d lose the ability to stare at another frame and not have to change targets to apply cc, but we would gain so much more (imo more participation due to making pvp easier to get into/less complicated + freeing up a lot of extra keybinds since weā€™d no longer need 2-3 keybinds per single ability for our utility/cc abilities, binds for setting focus 1/2/3, etc.).


Wait, there are really people out there defending this prepatch? Wtf lmfao

You guys are crazy haha

Itā€™sā€¦pre-patch. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

The leveling content would fix this. Until then, weā€™re paying money for a broken version of the game. Thatā€™s unacceptable and stating ā€œpre-patchā€ over and over doesnā€™t change that.

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Better to break it now than on launch when it matters.

I used to duel warriors while naked on my mage and beat them 100% of the time in vanilla. So no, definitely not the worst.

Also, I canā€™t remember if it was WotLK, but there were ret paladins soloing entire teams in BGs during pre-patch.

Skill floor classes trying to salvage dignity for being called out is funny. You Nas and Kenny are jokes :rofl:

Thereā€™s a really good reason Warrior,Ret,Boomy,Hunter are beginner pvp specs. Stay stung boys.

P.S. I donā€™t heal, ever so only Shadow on this character. Equal to mage in skill cap easily btw, esp in the current game.

One of these things is not like the others.

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No one defending it, just pointing out that doomsaying is misguided. Could you just likeā€¦maybeā€¦chill? Expansion coming soon


Iā€™ve healed at 2500 on both hpriest & hpal.

Iā€™ve played Dev/Boomy/Ele/Warlock around 2200-2300 without much effort at all.

You have 1000 games on spriest at 2100 (in shuffle btw, it took me around 100 games as hpriest last season to peak at 2500 mmr).

But sure, try to teach me how the game works. Both Mage & Spriest arenā€™t hard to play (excluding Arcane atm). I donā€™t enjoy either of those classes because to me theyā€™re dreadfully boring; Iā€™d play warlock 100x over before I played spriest.

I know youā€™re trying to convince yourself otherwise that youā€™re not that bad but; you are. Thereā€™s a reason youā€™re only 3x duelist since BfA & itā€™s not spriest.

P.S; nice 7-18 on sin rogue last season rofl with 400 gamed at 2100 HAHA. sKilLl fLoOr. Noob.

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Thatā€™s a wild take.

Loldead, you donā€™t need to like or be friends with everyone, but this wild grudge you have is pretty childish. You should probably just admit to yourself that you werenā€™t good at rogue and move on.

This guy has been mad ever since season 2 when he said some wild claims like, ā€œCloak is only a percent chance to resistā€ and that ā€œSub rogue isnā€™t broken, just CC them on their dance and spread out and itā€™s freeā€ (This was when sub was insanely broken). Someone did some investigation and saw he had like a 30% winrate at around 1400 over hundreds of games.

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The first step to improvement is acceptance!

Wonā€™t change. Not justifying it. But it wonā€™t change. Show your displeasure with your wallet and unsub.

LMAO stay triggered boys (not you Jim)

This isnā€™t true, because if it was, youā€™d know that 10.0.7 retpocalypse was infinitely worse. Peoplesā€™ memories cannot be this short?!

? No one is triggered, dude. Your post & arena history is the equivalent of a guy who failed his last 8 math tests using a calculator telling the rest of the class that addition is REALLY hard because you canā€™t always count on your fingers. No one is triggered or mad or any kind of upset. Itā€™s just kind of sad.

Youā€™d be much better served just admitting itā€™s hard for you and asking for help.


Could say the same about you and Rogue my guy. BTW no one not triggered replies like you three. I get that me pointing out the truth puts all of you on the defensive straight away and itā€™s hilarious. Even more so are people that try and rating bash on characters that Iā€™ve not played in pvp since WoD, which was my least played expac.

Take a moment for self reflection, itā€™ll do you some good.

Loldead. You were 1358 rating with a 38% winrate with full gear and enchants when sub was the most broken spec in the game. You also had over 200 games played.

You made some objectively wrong claim that cloak of shadows only had a % chance to resist and people politely corrected you. You lost your marbles and started flaming every single player who ever said that rogue was too strong.

You did a very normal thing that a lot of below average players do; you were struggling and didnā€™t know what you were doing wrong, and you got upset because everyone was saying the class you were struggling with was broken.

Take your own advice, man. Just ask for help when you donā€™t know what to do. A lot of people are more than willing to help.


I was doing 2s on my lock and like 2050 mmr queued into ret disc.

The ret literally doubled my teams damage and we are sp destro.

Judgment is hitting as hard as chaos bolt.

Hammer is hitting literally 5x harder than hardcasted incinerate.

I get its prepatch but itā€™s really awful

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