Assassination wasn’t really a spec that had to make it work last season.
I’d say feral is probably the most difficult melee to play but that’s just due to getting comfortable with it’s damage rotations.
I think last season is more the exception than the rule, though. Assassination DOES have a similar skill cap to most melee imo, but sub is literally playing a different game, and outlaw is trying to play both games plus a secret 3rd and 4th way at the same time while gambling. I hate the outlaw rogue rotation, on god.
It is because all content could be played at the same or greater efficacy as before the DF prepatch launch.
At present moment I literally cannot play my demo lock optimally–the only reason I pay to play this game. It’s not the same
I just find it funny when people try act superior because they play x class instead of y; no class is difficult to play it just takes time, practice & muscle memory.
Yeah. Warlock DOES need its bugs fixed. Ret had several too, so did shaman iirc. That’s the point and main focus of prepatch, though.
I’m sure there were a few classes that were unplayable because it’s not possible for all classes to be broken. Thats not how balance works. I remember dropping people from 80% hp with primordial wave and lightning bolt. If it’s possible to do something like that I’m not sure how you could call it better than it is now. If you disagree on that then I don’t have much more to tell you.
Man the gross thing is is that they ARE fixed, but on beta (several builds ago)
This build they shipped was knowingly outdated and broken it just boggles my mind they shipped it live in the state it was in
As soon as they went live with the prepatch build there was already a beta build ready to go that had things fixed
Current prepatch is just a stress test at our expense, nothing else. It’s really unethical to be honest
I think feral is definitely up there. It’s got a lot more weaving in and out and less W key and sometimes has to use clone (depending on comp and MU).
I think one of the harder parts about feral is that it gets all its damage functionally redistributed between bleeds, bites, sustain, burst, st, cleave/rot, and stacked aoe basically every other patch.
Absolutely this. Sure, some ARE “harder” than others, but all of them have similar rotational complexity.
Are you always like this
Sir i can’t even do instanced PvE content on my main character. What part about that do you think is okay? My ret in sub 500 ilvl gear is parsing harder than my lock pushing 520 ilvl
This is a bit hyperbolic
It can be annoying, sure, but you simply don’t have to play the game right now. You’ll miss nothing. Not a single competitive aspect is relevant, and capstone talents, for example, are meaningless during the leveling process. Now is a great time to level with the event, remix, etc
Getting upset about the game during prepatch is wasted energy imo
I hear what youre saying, but I personally feel that’s a bit hyperbolic. That being said, i do absolutely believe that blizzard should have a “pause sub” button, especially for prepatches like this.
Upsets not the word, as someone in tech I just respect good business and quality. I’m still making do finding other ways and things to play
It’s just a little sad that WoW players don’t have a little more respect for themselves as paying customers. Only WoW could get away with bad service like this and its customers just shrug and say “okay” instead of holding them accountable and to a certain standard
On a greater scale look at Crowdstrike. They had a disruptive bug that went live due to negligence and poor quality assurance. Is that supposed to just be ignored?
It’s called agree to disagree.
I’m not sure what you guys do for a living but if I push a product or service to a client that’s knowingly defunct or broken, I offer no support or compensation for any inconveniences caused or expectations not met, and I also expect them to pay in full: that is 100% unethical and anyone in the tech or professional services field would agree with that
Doesn’t really matter that they can hide behind a ToS/contract, scummy is scummy.
Yall work hard for your money, it’s okay to want to see it respected. The nonchalant energy when Blizzard messes up is frustrating to see
This is understandable but if I had to choose between the game having relatively minor bugs and tuning issues for ~4 weeks and having a smooth launch and tuned start to s1, I’d choose the latter 10 outta 10 times, as would every single person not playing currently but planning to play on release
I’m sure you can agree that launch being good is 100x more important than prepatch being good, right?
This isn’t really comparable. I see the link you’re trying to make, but crowdstrike likely cost the globe billions, if not trillions, of dollars when it caused the outage. Blizzard is only really hurting themselves if players unsub until launch. Players that would be subbed anyway aren’t losing anything.
Yeah for sure I can agree. I’ve just been following these beta builds very closely and they really dropped the ball with this prepatch launch. They weren’t ready.
It sure as heck doesn’t feel like it. Blizzard mucks up constantly and it only feels like PvP quality ever takes a hit. We’ll see how this expansion goes I guess.
And yes btw I am currently unsubbed
I totally agree, but I guess I view wow different from a shipped product because, for me personally, its a lower priority leisure activity.
I view it the same way I do a subscription to a rock climbing gym or a pool.
Sometimes they dont have the routes I want, or a route I wanted to try or enjoyed isnt available. Sometimes they make new routes that I dont care for. Sometimes the challenege problems arent things im capable of doing. Sometiems things are way too easy and I enjoy them less.
Sometimes the pool is really crowded. Sometimes the lanws are full and I cant swim the way i want. Sometimes there isnt a diving board or its reserved.
Sometimes the gym or pool are closed for cleaning or repair or general maitenance. They also have set hours, not permanently available like wow.
Its not that I dont respect my money or time, it’s that I feel like I’m still very much getting my money’s worth, despite the inconveniences.
I respect everyone’s right to be upset or disagree with blizzard’s decision, but wow is a MASSIVE game that has literally hundreds of things to do and casts an EXTREMELY wide net to cater to an extremely versatile audience.
I’m not excusing negligence or errors, but I think it’s also improtant to be pragmatic and take everything in perspective!
False equivalence. The product is not defunct or broken. Not only is the game working properly, but the company doesn’t promise/advertise/mislead that your multiplayer experience will be to your satisfaction.
I’m not white knighting for the company. Just saying if you order a coffee and it’s too hot for you, wait for it to cool down or go to another coffee shop (also false equivalence but mine is better)
I’ve been looking for this video for a while to smite some nerds who try to say RMP wasnt good in SL S1. Thanks!