Iv played since end of BC and have experienced every pre patch. I feel this is the worst state of balance the game has ever been in. Armor giving 75% dr making all physical classes obsolete, BM hunters and outlaw rogues doing less damage than healers and tanks, ele shamans and dks murdering entire BGs alone…. Button bloat through the roof, MM hunter and assassin rogue has like 50 different keybinds and abilities that you need to keep up with. Like wtf happened to this game?
It’s prepatch lol
So they didn’t have a beta or any tests for this update? Is that what you are saying?
Testing is usually focused on the new maximum level.
So none of the thousands of developers at blizz could have noticed that having 75% dr would be bad for phys damage classes? They didn’t think that outlaw or bm hunters doing less dps than healers was going to be bad?
You seriously defending this trash?
I feel like a genius when I see these post.
Wtf does that matter? It’s unplayable to all but 3 classes for over a month. That’s insane…
Game is tuned around level 80
Insane would be expecting something better/different since you’ve been here for almost 20 years
Am I on Shutter Island or something? Did everyone forget that prepatches have always been horribly imbalanced? Wake me up. Amatox was right. LIFE IS A SIMULATION. Help. EXISTENTIAL CRISIS TRIGGERED.
It was never this bad before. This is on another level… like this is just rediculous. Maybe most of you kids are new or something so you expect trash like this and enjoy it. I just can’t…
The only thing they could do is make prepatch shorter. The actual tuning complaints should wait until season 1, or towards the tuning in the beta.
No, that would be 10.0.7 ret paladin objectively where they were in 95% of games and had a 91% winrate into non ret paladins… AFTER nerfs.
hey screw you
the man said only 3 classes are viable atm and thats clearly the truth!
This game is so bad now I can’t believe all you suckers tolerate this nonsense. lol
Oh, my mistake. 3>1, so he must be right!
That is some straight up Karen behavior.
Maybe, if you had other things going on in your life, 1 month without WoW wouldn’t put you in this state of mind.
Glad you learned your math nas. Boomy/dh really got us boomies in the brain rot column.
(gkarz is trying to convince me to play dk help me)
toxic af