Is this the pre-patch event....really?

It is pretty disappointing to be honest. I really liked the BfA prepatch event, there was lots to do and you geared very fast. You even got a mount!

I just hope that this is a result of having to devote energy to Shadowlands itself. It’s not the worst thing in the world, mind you. 100 ilvl gear isn’t terrible and its something at least. Though, I do agree the price should be dropped. The dailies are unfun.

You keep repeating yourself throughout this thread, then tell people to “go get a job” etc.

Telling people to “quit crying” in a forum thread doesn’t add any value or substance to the discussion.


weird after i did all the quest i had 24 commendations

Repeating myself because people weren’t reading my previous posts. It’s nice that you took the time to read the thread like a normal human being.

This thread died within the hour though. People need to stop being so impatient.

Players were literally rushing around doing the quest when the servers popped up like it was a race for world first.

Gearing in M+ > Gearing in event

What did you post in the Legion Prepatch? More demons? More Sargeras and Illidan?

The lag is not bad honestly.

It actually never used to be laggy back years ago when we didn’t have CRZ shoved down our throats. Stop forcing 50 or more people into a shard or eliminate CRZ in areas like this and the lag goes away.

Effort wise that’s not true, i’ve been AFK all day waiting for rares and I got a few 110 already.

I’m a bit lazy to check wowhead if there’s more, but so far I’ve unlocked the dailies and I’m really underwhelmed

The amount of running around was crazy.

If the pre-patch event was a plate of chicken nuggets, I would slap it right back in Blizz’s face. This is outrageous.

We all understand that. What we don’t understand is your insistence that because playing the game breaks the game the solution is to not play the game, but still pay for the game.

I would agree with you there. Again, just too many people in one place at one time. But Blizzard isn’t going to get rid of it.

It was going to have fun stuff in it, but that got canceled and shoved into warmode.

The lag was annoying, but not unexpected. What killed my interest was the event itself and the 6+ hour wait to get through every rare for a chance at rare drops. No thanks Blizzard. I didn’t really care for the “recolored” Warfront gear either, because for Horde it was just a slightly different shade of red.

Well there is this crazy bear outside and animal control isn’t going to fix it. I guess I just won’t leave my house while still paying taxes…

Bud it was literally for 1 hour! I just completed it after getting home from work. It’s fine now, big deal! Send a ticket to Blizzard requesting the 2 cents they owe you.

Give it a rest.

They could do more to fix the lag if it’s an issue, the anticipation for the expansion has only been growing since the expansion was pushed back and they even said they have more preorders for this expansion than any other at this point. Hopefully they will have a smooth launch as they have had the past couple of expansions but with what I’ve read so far about our pre patch event I am a little concerned.

I work and would love to come home to play WoW on launch date without too much hassle! :blush:

Same here. 3 more days until sub runs out. Won’t resub until SL