Is this how we get Night Elf Shamans?

Everyone’s complaining about night elves being shamans while I’m still waiting for them to be paladins and yes, there’s proof night elf paladins exist even in the story line. Heck, the guards of azshara in well of eternity were paladins when they used to be the highborne. I’ll be happy to support night elf shamans under the condition they end up as paladins first.

I would prefer that they don’t use the Legion ones tho, since they were holy light worshippers.

I’d actually use Warcraft 3’s lore from the manual!

Huntresses are the elite cadre of the night elf Sentinel army. Drawing their strength from the moon goddess, Elune, these warrior women ride the feral nightsaber panthers into battle. Huntresses are strong and swift, and merciless to those who would defile the sanctity of Ashenvale Forest. Huntresses are the elite cadre of the night elf Sentinel army. Drawing their strength from the moon goddess, Elune, these warrior women ride the feral nightsaber panthers into battle. Huntresses are strong and swift, and merciless to those who would defile the sanctity of Ashenvale Forest.

Perfect Paladins. Trusty steed, shield tactics, power from a divine source… easy, already exists in the lore. It’s perfect!

They probably wont do that though, which makes me angry.


Btw there are also many Blood Elves cultist shamans in game. Maybe Blood Elves will also get shamans?
Wonder how their totems will looks like. :thinking:

In D&D and Pathfinder, it’s practically a trope. If you can have undead Holy Priests, then Forsaken Paladins aren’t really a stretch.

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No Kaldorei would betray Elune. If that is the direction Blizzard is going then Warcraft is truely dead.




That Night Elf Warlock whom you’re charged to not only kill but keep his existence secret. I’m pretty sure that trafficking with the Burning Legion would rub Elune the wrong way.

I’m pretty sure most NE Demon Hunters and Death Knights don’t exactly worship her either.

But most of all, if you actually listen to Tyrande when she’s invoking the ritual of the Night Warrior, she’s not calling on Elune in a voice of reverence, pleading or respect. Her words, her very body language pretty much screams the sentiment, “Grant me this power or you are dead to me.”

No race is as truly monolithic (and boringly predictable) as you seem to want the Night Elves to be.

We already have undead paladins in the Scarlet Crusade near new Avalon in the Eastern Plaguelands. We should make pallies playable for nearly all races. Same with monks. In fact save for druid and maybe warlock class. Cant imagine why we cant have most classes available to every race.

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And just about everyone hated that. You take Elune away from the Kaldorei, and you don’t have Kaldorei anymore. I am tired of the Night Elf culture erasure story. Don’t reply to me again.


All races should be able to be all classes anyway.

In the sense of ‘independent individuals’ i think theres someone from every race in this setting who’d do anything. Realistically tho races like NEs and Tauren are written to have such a tight sense of community with their own people, the creatures and features of the land, and their goddess, that it shouldn’t -really- happen.

The only times it has happened… kinda hinged on her lore being retconned? Which is a very ‘blizzard’ move.

Strong bonds and shared beliefs do not make Monolithic cultures. Individuality and interpretation still exists among people with shared ideals and connections to things.


There are actually terms for these. While there is an exception to every rule, people are a product of their environment, and broadly speaking, people of the same culture are going to act in culturally predictable ways.

Mores: Moral law. Breaking these norms will result in social shunning and punishment. Often tired to religious law. Examples could be bullying, lying, or dressing a certain way in public.

Folkways: Customs that are followed by not written down. Learned by intuition as people grow up. Such as general manners. Example like slurping when eating is rude in the West but polite in Japan.

Folkways are rude but not immoral. Cultures will tend to avoid breaching these norms, but it is generally okay to break them sometimes.

Mores are things cultures will not break under any circumstances, as it is a breach of their moral values. Of course, immoral people still exist, but the society as a whole till take steps to punish or shun those people.

Imo, for Night Elves, the use of Arcane and denouncing Elune would be culturally immoral and Night Elves who do so would be social outcasts.

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The Kaldorei have never been truly monotheistic. They have at most leaned henotheistic as veneration of the Wild Gods has always been a thing as evidenced by the numerous shrines in their honor across Kaldorei territories. There is also an element of ancestor worship in Kaldorei faith as well.


Elune is still their chief deity at the center and above of it all though. Elune is the most defining aspect of their entire culture, worldview, and identity.


Just about everyone ignored it as they ignore lore in general. Most who bothered to read the stories and actually followed the road that Delaryn walked on can understand her progression… it’s called… character development and evolution. Not everyone who travels the same road though, gets off at the same exit.

You don’t want my replies… you have two choices… put me on /ignore , it’s not hard, my profile isn’t hidden. Or stop representing yourself as a self-titled spokesman for the entire player base or even the roleplayers.

Every time you do so, I will call you out on it.

You do not call me out on anything. You make a fool of yourself and annoy me. You are a troll. You hate Night Elves, your main is a blood elf that you used to post on and just attack nelf players and nelf lore. You have made it your mission to silence the voices of nelf players and derail discussion. To serve Nelf culture erasure story at Blizzard.

I am not having it. You need to stop. Me asking you to should be enough you weirdo.

Elune is A defining aspect of their culture, I’ll even acknowledge it as an IMPORTANT aspect of their culture, but she’s not the ONLY aspect of their culture. Cenarius, Druidism, and a woodland lifestyle operate pretty much independently of Elune and her church. And before Malfurion’s decree and it’s later rescindment, the practice of the arcane was a major shaping of Night Elf culture, it created the empire and it played a key role in the defense of Darkshore in the War of Thorns. Even Malfurion was calling the mages for tactical support.

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No one said that. Only that she is the most important and defining element of the entire Kaldorei race.

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That’s debatable. I’d rank Cenarius as pretty much an equal influence and he’s also have a repeated history of actually having hooves on the ground in the defense of the Night Elf people, having given his life TWICE for them. put him to gether with the rest of the Wild Gods, and I think Elune has some pretty stiff competition.

And if you take Night Elf history as something that doesn’t begin with Tyrande, then the Sisterhood’s importance and influence shrinks drastically when you examine the Imperial phase of their culture. (Then again so does Cenarius’)

No it’s not

They certainly do if you take the position that every single member HAS to toe the line and if you write in a dissenter you’re making “bad lore”.