Is this how we get Night Elf Shamans?

Video is by the youtuber Doronsmovies. Clickbait video titles and my own personal feelings on the potential story arc aside, it does raise an intriguing point. Could this be the lore reason we get Night Elf shamans?

I think it could be done better, as this story is a rehash of the Druids of the Flame from Cata. Fandral’s group called themselves druids, but since they worked with an elemental - the elemental lord Ragnaros, at that - they functioned more like Shamans. But the idea of Night Elves investigating Shamanism with a good lore reason and experimenting with it could work. Thoughts?


night elves abandoning elune are in the right. they should convert to shamanism and light worship posthaste.


Surely, this forum can be civil about this.



oh please
the very moment blizzard has nelves convert to the light or shamanism, we’ll learn that elune is the supreme power behind both.


Breaths in

Slyvanas was right, she was just trying to prevent the inevitable Elune is behind Shanamism and The Light.

If Night Elves will ever betray the Elune, they will rather chose the powers of the Light, and will have NE paladins.
NE Shamans - worst idea ever.

P.S. regarding druids of the flame, interesting that there are no NE druids of the flame souls in the Shadowlands. Probably they not just swap nature to flame, but also convert their souls to the VOID realm.

My nelf main already feels betrayed by Elune. To sustain her sister, she utilized a tragedy, sent forth a cascade of souls, and (unwittingly) condemned her favored children. Vengeance was wanted. Tyrande became the Night Warrior but Elune withdrew the power when vengeance could be obtained. Elune then manipulated Tyrande into sparing Sylvanas in order to redeem the souls from the maw and undo Elune’s mistake. Elune is not worth following.

When you consider what Xe’ra tried to do to Illidan, is the Light any better? If my nelf main were to consider another calling, it might be a paladin of the Void but, when all’s said and done, it seems likely the Void is as zealously tweaked as the Light. My nelf main is now a DK. Perhaps that is the only calling left because, after all that’s happened, the nelfs are like the Forsaken, forgotten or ignored, perhaps even pitied. If the alternative is being a ‘favored child’ of Elune, I’ll stay a DK and nurture my hatred of manipulative deities and warring factions.


I do not think any Elf can be a Playable Shaman as things are, and that is OK by me.

I do not know if Elune needs to be dumped on for Elves to get Shaman. It does not seem like Elune worship and Shamanism are mutually exclusive, I could see them being incorporated together. Shaman and Druids work together alot. Tyrande is a Priestess of Elune, married to a Druid, and she was basically the Matron of Honor at a Horde Shaman’s wedding.

I do not think there has to be a schism with Elune for Elf shaman to be a thing.


While your rp character’s backstory is good, the situation with the story is bad writing, nothing more.

Hate Xe’ra’s attempt to Lightforge Illidan if you want, but even with that cinematic and some fans bending over backwards to treat Xe’ra’s attempt to forcibly Lightforge Illidan like an unforgivable sin, Xe’ra’s attempt to Lightforge Illidan is a drop in the ocean that doesn’t come anywhere close to Sargeras’, the Old Gods’, the Jailer’s or Denathrius’ laundry lists of atrocities. :yawning_face: It’s like Harry Potter fans who don’t like Ron claiming he’s a Death Eater.


Honestly if we end up with night elf shamans before paladins I’m gonna be real sad lol. Been waiting for them since Legion lol

Also all of this.

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I think Night Elves should’ve had Shaman from the beginnimg. Cenarius should know Shamanism. They should have Paladins too.


Night elf shamans and undead paladins are the dumbest things that will come out of Dragonflight.

Elune is evil, or at the very least morally grey.

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Night Elves embracing the primal elements make sense after the cluster you know what that hit them these past expansions. Not just the Burning of Teldrassil, but in Cataclysm the loss of Ashenvale/Azshara and continual destruction of their lands from Nordrassil to the latest Maw fiasco by their mother moon. At this point I’m surprised they aren’t going full fel Demon Hunter or arcane Highborne Magi on Elune.

If they give night elves shaman but not paladin, the forums will riot.

I think the forum will riot regardless of which class they’re given :rofl:

Paladin is the second most popular class in the game after hunter, whereas shaman is one of the least popular. That may be why.

Not even sure what brings you to that conclusion. Elune is a dumbass and couldn’t be a supreme power behind a light bulb. I’m not being ironic or histrionic here. I actually do think Night elves should convert from Elune worship to worshiping the elements and the light. Because both of those are primal forces that aren’t distinct entities. Elune is a distinct entity, and she’s also stupid. Elune has done nothing for the Night elves, so she deserves no worship.

Let’s say that she is the supreme power behind both. Let’s say that she’s actually just supremely powerful and capable.

that just proves she wanted her ‘favored children’ to die.

There are even trapped spirits on Azeroth in various places calling out for Elune only to be ignored. If you’re a shadow priest in tomb of sargeras xal’atath mentions this before you fight the night elf sister ghost trio. They’ve been trapped in that temple calling out to her for thousands of years up to that point. If they’re her “favored children” why didn’t she send a message to Kyrestia? Like hey send your kyrian out to get these souls they got left behind. She can communicate with the winter queen so it’s within her power to communicate with the realms of death. The Archon would have immediately rescued them all but she didn’t know about it apparently. And Elune doesn’t even care enough about night elves to make sure their souls move on.

I’ve kvetched about this before, but it really bothers me that anything about Teldrassil would be the breaking point.

Night elves have genuinely been through worse without losing faith. For a few characters, well, individual choices/personalities/experiences may vary, but having it be a movement is… I’m just going to go with “annoying”, because it genuinely annoys me that Blizzard just does not want to engage with what makes night elves cool (to me).

And also, there hasn’t been an expectation that Elune is a very hands-on deity except when it’s convenient for the plot.

I’unno. I’ll work up a proper night elf fan frothing, but right now all I’ve got is “this, so far, is dumb”. Night elf shamans would be kinda cool, but I’m not sure night elves badly need more classes right away. Like dwarves and blood elves, they’re pretty stacked compared to, say, Lightforged draenei.
